Whale Talk

May 27, 2009
It's a whale of a tail and all those clicks that sonar picks up underwater let us know that whales are telling it. But what are they saying to each other? Scientists think they may have finally deciphered whale talk.... continued

They LOOK for Life

May 26, 2009
Do they destroy it too? - Robot landers that were sent to Mars to search for life may actually have destroyed it. In New Scientist, David Shiga reports that NASA's Phoenix lander found chemicals called perchlorates in the Martian soil.... continued

Athletes Need to be a Little Strange

May 26, 2009
"Monk" with a baseball bat? The image of the obsessive-compulsive TV detective swinging away may seem ludicrous, but it's not so far-fetched after all, because it turns out that the best athletes are all "OC." And You know you shouldn't... continued

What Did You Wear to the Beach on Memorial Day?

May 26, 2009
If you wore flip-flips and a baseball cap, you were taking a risk, because they expose your ear tops and foot tops to the sun (and to skin cancer). And who remembers to put suntan lotion on these two places?... continued

Whitley on Coast to Coast AM TONIGHT

May 26, 2009
Whitley will be on Coast to Coast AM tonight with George Noory from 10 to 11 pm Pacific talking about real UFO incidents and MORE! To find out where YOU can listen, click here. And if you want to meet... continued

SEE Whitley Interview Michael Glickman TODAY

May 26, 2009
One our most popular guests, when we were doing Dreamland live, was crop circle pundit Michael Glickman, who has now published a book called Crop Circles: The Bones of God. Unknowncountry's live video feed is now available in oursubscriber section... continued

Let’s Remember Them Today

May 25, 2009
Memorial Day - In Anne Strieber's new diary, she writes: "Whitley and I just had one of the most profoundly moving experiences of our lives, one which was also a real privilege to be part of. It was also one... continued

Wave of Cat Mutilations in Florida

May 22, 2009
One of the things we often report on here on unknowncountry are cattle, cat (and human?) mutilations. It turns out that Florida is now having a wave of cat mutilations. Cat mutilations have been a dismal reality throughout the world... continued

Swine Flu a Lab Accident?

May 22, 2009
Could swine flu be the result of a lab accident? The evidence that it's made up of viruses from both Mexican and European pigs points to this, because it's illegal to export pigs from Europe to South America, and we... continued

Scientist Implant: Study Shows Non-Earth Origin

May 22, 2009
Unknowncountry Exclusive - This week's Dreamland features a scientistdiscussing an implant that was placed in his body inFebruary of 2008. This is the most exhaustively studied ofall the fourteen objects that have so far been extractedfrom close encounter witnesses by... continued