Are Schools Still Too Segregated?

May 18, 2009
It's a controversial question. Due to the economy, more middle-class families are passing on private schools in favor of the local public school. This is good for the schools, since studies show urban schools benefit educationally from an influx of... continued

STILL the Best Medicine

May 18, 2009
Especially for smokers - Are you an Angry Smoker? If so, it's why you may have trouble quitting. Maybe you need to laugh more. Some researchers think that smokers who want to quit (and that's almost everybody) could be helped... continued

Unhealthy Drugs in the Fish We Eat

May 15, 2009
Sure, fish are good for you, but not if they're full of drugs! A recent study showed that eating salmon or other fatty fish just once a week helped reduce men's risk of heart failure, adding to growing evidence that... continued

Is Acupuncture Real or Fake?

May 15, 2009
Three types of acupuncture therapy, an individually tailored program, standard therapy and a simulation involving toothpicks at key acupuncture points, are equally effective for chronic low back pain, even though the third option is probably only a placebo. How can... continued

Word Power

May 15, 2009
We recently wrote that verbs are the parts of speech that become extinct the most quickly. Now we've learned that if you want to perform at your peak, at school or on the job, you should carefully consider how you... continued

Should We Ban Salt?

May 14, 2009
Most people consume far too much salt, and researchers are trying to figure out why we crave it. It might put us in a better mood (but there are other things that do this as well). Psychologist Kim Johnson found... continued

If You Work the Night Shift

May 14, 2009
It was once thought that women working the night shift were at more risk for breast cancer, and then researchers decided this wasn't true. But a new study shows that men who work long hours under artificial lights may be... continued

Thank Goodness!

May 13, 2009
We can get back to REAL SCIENCE again - Matthew 15:31 says, "The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing." In those days it was miracles. Today... continued

Boys Don’t Make Passes at Girls Who Wear Glasses?

May 13, 2009
Not true BUT if you want your kid not to need them, here's how - If you assume that everyone will need glasses after a certain age, it turns out that's not true. Spending pending two to three hours a... continued

Another Ice Age?

May 12, 2009
Will the planet continue to heat up or will the absence of sunspots help it to remain stable, or even cool down? The sun is the least active it's been in decades and the dimmest it's been in a hundred... continued