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New Revelations Show about Shroud of Turin
May 6, 2009A few weeks ago, we posted a story about the missing years of the Shroud of Turin and the new revelation that it was hidden by the Knights Templar. This week, popular Dreamland host William Henry has a NEW interview... continued
Water, Water Everywhere…
May 5, 2009But not a drop to drink? - You shouldn't drink and drive, and if we continue to create biofuel out of corn, folks in the Midwest may not be able to drink at all anymore (water that is). But corn... continued
Anne’s New Diary: Shedding by Shredding
May 5, 2009In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes about shedding (or is it shredding?) the past and moving on to the future. Since she did this in a big way four years ago, when she almost died (and she's still thankful... continued
How to Find a Fossil
May 5, 2009Hint: Look Down - A student once found a valuable fossil just by looking down. Now a paleontologist has discovered some extraordinary fossils by looking at his kitchen counter. A limestone countertop, a practiced eye and Google Earth all played... continued
Swine Flu: Letter Leaked from a Doctor
May 4, 2009To help you decipher all the confusing information coming out about Swine Flu, we have an new Insight about how dangerous it is (or isn't) and what you should do to prevent it or treat it if you get it.... continued
Coming Closer: A Chance to be Invisible
May 4, 2009Scientists are still working on creating invisibility and have now found a way to make objects invisible in near-infrared light. Soon they may be able to create invisibility in full-spectrum light (the kind we see).Mechanical engineer Xiang Zhang has created... continued
In a Recession, Will People Gamble on the Future?
May 4, 2009The economy may be showing signs of improvement but economists think that consumers will keep their newly-adopted thriftier habits for the long haul. This means that they'll buy less, so that the economy won't improve as quickly as it would... continued
Women Deserve Great Sex Too
May 1, 2009Ladies: we can wear their shirts and use their cologne. Now we can use their sex drugs too! One needs only turn on the television to understand that significant advances have been made in the cure and treatment of male... continued
Flu: Who Knew?
May 1, 2009Swine Flu spreads all over New York City - The Swine Flu outbreak in New York started in one private school in a borough of Manhattan, probably from a student whose family had recently taken a trip to Mexico, but... continued
First Crop Circles of the Year!
May 1, 2009These crop circles are truly beautiful. To see them, click here and here. Coming up on Dreamland: Interviews with the authors of TWO crop circle books: Michael Glickman and Andrew Collins! Collins was the FIRST author to be interviewed on... continued