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Women Deserve Great Sex Too
May 1, 2009Ladies: we can wear their shirts and use their cologne. Now we can use their sex drugs too! One needs only turn on the television to understand that significant advances have been made in the cure and treatment of male... continued
Main Medicine for Swine Flu Has Disturbing Side Effects
April 30, 2009The FDA, after receiving reports of self-injury, suicide and delirium, told the manufacturer of the anti-viral drug Tamiflu to add a warning label to the medicine. This is one of the drugs recommended to help treat, and perhaps even prevent,... continued
The Woman Who Started It All
April 30, 2009Swine Flu, that is - The first person to die of Swine Flu in Oaxaca, Mexico, where the disease originated, was a 39-year-old female census taker who spread the disease throughout the city by making door-to-door visits to at least... continued
Flu Milder than Expected
April 30, 2009The recently emerged strain of swine flu has been analyzedgenetically, and scientists have concluded that it is likelyto be milder than the 1918 Spanish Flu, and milder than mostnormal winter flu. Whether or not it will mutate into a moredangerous... continued
Nye Incidents to be a Film
April 29, 2009The Nye Incidents, written by Craig Spector from an idea by Whitley Strieber, is going to be filmed by Dark Castle, a division of Warner Brothers.The film will be directed by Todd Lincoln.The Nye Incidents is a fictional exploration of... continued
New Revelations Show!
April 29, 2009Popular host William Henry has a NEW interview up in his Revelations show. This time, he interviews musician Bob Welch, of Fleetwood Mac, about his interest in UFOs! Listen to it now! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our... continued
Breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence
April 29, 2009Believe it or not, it has to do with a TV quiz show - An I.B.M. computer named Deep Blue beat world chess champ Garry Kasparov in 1997. Now I.B.M. has developed a computer named Watson that can beat a... continued
What We Need is…
April 29, 2009a vaccination for Swine Flu! - Researchers are working feverishly to develop a vaccine to protect us from Swine Flu, but they may develop an all-purpose flu vaccine that protects against many different strains of flu first. Scared of needles?... continued
Important Swine Flu Information
April 28, 2009We have just posted an important Insight about how to protect yourself from Swine Flu, and what to do if you get it. Some of the most important material is about HOW to wash your hands! Art credit: Dreamstime.com NOTE:... continued
Flu Pandemics: How They Work
April 28, 2009UPDATE: First US death, 2 year old Mexican child living in Texas - Since the late nineteenth century when adequate recordsbegan to be kept, there have been four major flu pandemics,in 1889, 1918, 1957 and 1968. Pandemics come in waves,... continued