Important Swine Flu Information

April 28, 2009
We have just posted an important Insight about how to protect yourself from Swine Flu, and what to do if you get it. Some of the most important material is about HOW to wash your hands! Art credit: NOTE:... continued

Flu Pandemics: How They Work

April 28, 2009
UPDATE: First US death, 2 year old Mexican child living in Texas - Since the late nineteenth century when adequate recordsbegan to be kept, there have been four major flu pandemics,in 1889, 1918, 1957 and 1968. Pandemics come in waves,... continued

Public Health Emergency Declared

April 27, 2009
Swine flu has spread to the US--2 UPDATES - On Sunday, the US government declared a public health emergency because the number of swine flu cases in this country has risen to 20 and the new variant of the virus... continued

New Whitley’s Journal: WHY We Haven’t Made Contact

April 27, 2009
In Whitley Strieber's dynamic new journal, he writes, "It is now clear that a mistaken policy of shoot 'em down by the United States Government, pursued with vigor at least through the 1950s by the US Air Force, ruined any... continued

Some Very Important People Say UFOs are Real

April 24, 2009
Now that former Astronaut Edgar Mitchell discussed his belief in aliens at the recent X Conference, the Telegraph Online has compiled a list of 12 famous people who have publicly declared their belief in aliens, UFOs and a possible government... continued

How Spam Creates Global Warming

April 24, 2009
You may be contributing to global warming without even realizing it. It all has to do with Spam (the kind you eat AND the computer kind). Researchers say that returning to the slimmer days (we're talking body weight here, not... continued

In Love With an Object

April 24, 2009
Instead of a person - In the TV series Boston Legal, one of the characters was in love with an inanimate object. It turns out this is no joke: it really happens. It's called "objectum sexual" (OS) and for some... continued

Improve Your Future

April 23, 2009
...the QUANTUM way! - Don't like your life? Casting around for a new career? The solution is simple: move to another parallel universe where things are better. We might even be able to avoid an accident that might lead to... continued

Alien Life

April 23, 2009
Scientists think we WILL find it! - Here at, we are in touch with people (especially during our Wednesday subscriber chats!) who say they have been visited by beings who seem to be from another planet (or maybe from... continued

Anne’s Diary: Like Radar…but Different

April 23, 2009
In Anne Strieber's new diary, she explains why she and Whitley had to cancel their regular subscriber chat on Wednesday. She writes, "We recently experienced one of the exciting things about living in LA: we were invited to a screening... continued