Gravity Varies with the Seasons

April 17, 2009
Newton discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head while he was dozing under a tree. When Italian researcher Galileo dropped a heavy object and a light object from a tower in the 17th century, they both hit the... continued

Women Have Better Smellers

April 17, 2009
Watch out guys: women have more sensitive noses (they can TELL when you wear the same shirt twice!) According to new research, it is more difficult to mask underarm odor when women are doing the smelling. Researcher Charles J. Wysocki... continued

Driving Problems

April 16, 2009
You know it's dangerous to drive while talking on your cell phone (in many places this is now illegal). Now scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) are keeping you safe by testing a system in the Detroit... continued

Why the Weatherman Always Gets it Wrong

April 16, 2009
...or DOES he? - Does the local weatherman in your area always seem to get it wrong? Maybe it's YOUR fault: new research indicates that only about half the population knows what a forecast means when it predicts a 20%... continued

Vegetarian Binge

April 15, 2009
Vegetarians can pig out too. While they tend to eat healthier diets and are less likely than non-vegetarians to be overweight or obese, they may be at increased risk for binge eating with loss of control, and former vegetarians may... continued

Twitter Morals

April 15, 2009
If you Twitter, you should realize that rapid-fire media of this type may confuse your moral compass and you may end up sending messages that are harsher than a live conversation (or written letter) would be. Why does email sometimes... continued

Run our Cars on…Water?

April 14, 2009
Fuel from ice? How about fuel from algae?and the water it lives in! The invention of an efficient system for splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen will be what shows us if hydrogen really does have the potential to be... continued

Death Star on the Way?

April 14, 2009
Australian astronomers are keeping an eye on an exploding star they call WR104 that could end all life on earth. Before you say it couldn't happen, note that a smaller version of this has happened here before. This star is... continued

Famous UFO Incident in University Museum

April 14, 2009
As Portsmouth, New Hampshire resident Betty Hill drove her mother home on Route 108 at 8 p.m. on Sept. 7, 1977, she saw large red and green lights of a UFO as she neared Trickling Falls in East Kingston. Later... continued

Where Can We Find Wisdom?

April 13, 2009
Where in the brain is what we call wisdom located? Neurobiologists think they have the answer to this question, which was once only addressed by religion and philosophy. Psychiatrist Dilip V. Jeste says, "Defining wisdom is rather subjective, though there... continued