SEE Anne Strieber Record Dreamland on Monday

April 13, 2009
Dreamland will again be recorded on a live feed on Monday, April 13 at 10AM Pacific, and this time you'll get to watch Anne Strieber interview Dr. John Lerma (the doctor who tried to remove Whitley's implant) about his new... continued

Summoning UFOs

April 10, 2009
Correction: Due to a reporting error, Unknowncountry.comstated that this event took place on Sunday, April 5, 2009.It actually took place on September 10, 2006. During asynchronized worldwide meditation, crop circleexperts Ed and Kris Sherwood asked that benevolentextraterrestrials appear during a... continued

UFOs Over Italy Before Quake

April 10, 2009
On the night of the devastating earthquake that struck Italyon April 6, a lighted, triangular UFO wasvideotapedover Rome, and during the day on April 5, daylight video ofan unknown object was taken by UFO witness Antonio Urzi over Milan. Urzi... continued

Baseball Physics

April 9, 2009
...It's not quantum (yet) - Mechanical engineers say that baseball pitching coaches are coaching their players all wrong (which is why the pitching is so bad on most teams?) They should be paying attention to Newtonian physics! Mike Marshall, the... continued

Paving Over What Can Save Our Climate

April 9, 2009
...and the ocean isn't helping anymore - The West is experiencing global warming due to the greenhouse gasses spewed out by cars and power plants. Less developed countries are heating up because they are PAVING OVER so much of their... continued

Baby Bottle Fix

April 9, 2009
Now that we've discovered what is causing all that prostate cancer, can we do something about the plastic in baby bottles and water bottles? Canada has already removed BPA from all plastics that contain food or drink (or may be... continued

Alas, you CAN’T see Whitley Record Dreamland on Wednesday!

April 8, 2009
He has laryngitis! - Since Whitley can't talk, he can't interview Michael Newton (author of Journey of Souls and Life Between Lives), but Dreamland will again be recorded on a live feed in subsequent weeks, so keep watching for announcements... continued

Dream, Dream, Dream

April 8, 2009
Why do we sleep? Is it so we can dream? It turns out that while we sleep, something is going on in our brains that is necessary for making memories. While science tries to understand the stuff dreams are made... continued

New Terrorist Weapon

April 8, 2009
We can use it?but they can too - An electromagnetic pulse weapon that can "fry" the components of a jet plane can be built using information and equipment available on the internet. In New Scientist, Paul Marks quotes Israeli counter-terrorist... continued

Shocking New 911 Evidence

April 7, 2009
A Danish laboratory reports that it has found evidence of the presence of the explosive thermite in dust recovered from the site of the September 11, 2001 destruction of the World Trade Center.This is the first time that physical evidenceof... continued