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Vegetarian Binge
April 15, 2009Vegetarians can pig out too. While they tend to eat healthier diets and are less likely than non-vegetarians to be overweight or obese, they may be at increased risk for binge eating with loss of control, and former vegetarians may... continued
Twitter Morals
April 15, 2009If you Twitter, you should realize that rapid-fire media of this type may confuse your moral compass and you may end up sending messages that are harsher than a live conversation (or written letter) would be. Why does email sometimes... continued
Famous UFO Incident in University Museum
April 14, 2009As Portsmouth, New Hampshire resident Betty Hill drove her mother home on Route 108 at 8 p.m. on Sept. 7, 1977, she saw large red and green lights of a UFO as she neared Trickling Falls in East Kingston. Later... continued
Run our Cars on…Water?
April 14, 2009Fuel from ice? How about fuel from algae?and the water it lives in! The invention of an efficient system for splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen will be what shows us if hydrogen really does have the potential to be... continued
Death Star on the Way?
April 14, 2009Australian astronomers are keeping an eye on an exploding star they call WR104 that could end all life on earth. Before you say it couldn't happen, note that a smaller version of this has happened here before. This star is... continued
Where Can We Find Wisdom?
April 13, 2009Where in the brain is what we call wisdom located? Neurobiologists think they have the answer to this question, which was once only addressed by religion and philosophy. Psychiatrist Dilip V. Jeste says, "Defining wisdom is rather subjective, though there... continued
SEE Anne Strieber Record Dreamland on Monday
April 13, 2009Dreamland will again be recorded on a live feed on Monday, April 13 at 10AM Pacific, and this time you'll get to watch Anne Strieber interview Dr. John Lerma (the doctor who tried to remove Whitley's implant) about his new... continued
Summoning UFOs
April 10, 2009Correction: Due to a reporting error, Unknowncountry.comstated that this event took place on Sunday, April 5, 2009.It actually took place on September 10, 2006. During asynchronized worldwide meditation, crop circleexperts Ed and Kris Sherwood asked that benevolentextraterrestrials appear during a... continued
UFOs Over Italy Before Quake
April 10, 2009On the night of the devastating earthquake that struck Italyon April 6, a lighted, triangular UFO wasvideotapedover Rome, and during the day on April 5, daylight video ofan unknown object was taken by UFO witness Antonio Urzi over Milan. Urzi... continued
Baseball Physics
April 9, 2009...It's not quantum (yet) - Mechanical engineers say that baseball pitching coaches are coaching their players all wrong (which is why the pitching is so bad on most teams?) They should be paying attention to Newtonian physics! Mike Marshall, the... continued