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UFO Taped by Shuttle
March 30, 2009UPDATE: Image from shuttle control room shows UFO! - UPDATE: You can see an image of this UFO as seen by the astronauts THROUGH THE WINDOW of the space shuttle by clicking here. YouTube has emerged as a source for... continued
Pope Not Acting Like a Christian
March 30, 2009Scientists have complained for years about junk science in the Bush White House. Now the pope is preaching the same thing! One of the world's most prestigious medical journals, the Lancet, has accused Pope Benedict of distorting science in his... continued
Computer Search for Aliens
March 27, 2009?still going on! - Einstein@Home, launched in 2005 and based at the University of Wisconsin and the Albert Einstein Institute in Germany, is one of the world's largest public volunteer distributed computing projects. More than 200,000 people have signed up... continued
…All Over Again
March 27, 2009An 80-year-old Polish former engineer had a permanent sense of d NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued
Freezing Fuel can Power Your Car
March 26, 2009We've written about fuel from corn and fuel from garbage, but?fuel from ice? In the future, natural gas derived from chunks of ice that workers collect from beneath the ocean floor and beneath the arctic permafrost may fuel cars, heat... continued
Alien Insight
March 26, 2009Anne's interpretation - In our latest Insight, an Unknowncountry.com reader shares the story of a remarkable alien encounter with us. Anne Strieber, who has read over half a million letters from experiencers, has interpreted this meeting. First read the Insight,... continued
That Evil Corn Again
March 26, 2009When corn is used to make ethanol, the question becomes: food or fuel? Even though the type of corn used to make biofuel is not the kind people eat, its use can raise food prices here in the US. Keep... continued
UFO Shot by Mono Lake Webcam March 23
March 25, 2009This object was found on the Mono Lake webcam Monday morning. Keep reading for notes from one of our volunteer photo analysts, Dan Drasin. Dan has been a videographer, documentary film maker and photographer for 35 years. His comments: It's... continued
A Surprising Aphrodesiac
March 24, 2009Why do we keep our belly buttons all our lives, while in most mammals who nurse their young, these disappear when they mature? Scientists think they indicate the mating potential of fertile women. During pregnancy, the umbilical cord supplies a... continued
Two Ways to Get Cancer
March 24, 2009...that you probably don't suspect - They are: use mouthwash and become a vegetarian. Although vegetarianism is assumed to be a healthier lifestyle, and vegetarians DO have less cancer in general, there is one kind of cancer that non meat-eaters... continued