Will the Future Be Brighter?

March 17, 2009
Will there be an end to the current economic recession soon? Most Americans are pretty gloomy, but?surprisingly?economists have a brighter outlook on the future. Economic historian Robert Whaples takes the long view: he says that he and the "vast, vast... continued

Pork Problems

March 17, 2009
It isn't just pork from China that's the problem?the death of a doctor in Indiana that has been traced to a superbug on a huge pork farm is worrying scientists. These pigs are fed antibiotics, which promotes the growth of... continued

Party Drug as Cure

March 16, 2009
We've written about marijuana medicine?now it turns out that the party drug known as Ectasy may be a useful treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is a major problem for our returning soldiers. The party drug known as Ecstasy,... continued

Riots in the Streets?

March 16, 2009
We aren't the only onesworried about rioting at home?the UK is too. The Ministry of Defense (the equivalent of our Pentagon) has made plans in case there is a "summer of discontent" coming up in the UK, caused by the... continued

The Striebers are IN Race to Witch Mountain

March 16, 2009
Andy Fickman is a film director who takes a seriousinterest in the UFO phenomenon and his new film,Race to Witch Mountain opens Friday, March 13. Anne andWhitley Strieber appear briefly in a section of the thrillerthat gently spoofs the UFO... continued

Whitley in Burbank on Sunday

March 13, 2009
As part of a celebration of the writer Richard Matheson, author of the novel "I am Legend" (on which the recent Will Smith hit movie was based) as well as novels such a "What Dreams May Come" (which was made... continued

Global Warming Makes Us Sick

March 12, 2009
Most of this has to do with MOSQUITOES! - Global warming raises concerns about the potential spread of infectious diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever. These diseases are currently rare in the West. A team of researchers has demonstrated... continued

More UFO Sightings!

March 12, 2009
UFOs are showing up all over the world and strange beings are being noticed as well. Some of the latest sightings took place in the Czech Republic. Does all this indicate that some sort of disclosure is imminent? Mysterious craft... continued

What Can We Do About…

March 12, 2009
those AWFUL McMansions? - CEOs earning outsized salaries are using their money to build outsized houses, transforming local neighborhoods with their McMansions. When is a house too large for its neighborhood? A new study provides information about exactly what it... continued

Why are CEOs Paid So Much?

March 11, 2009
...while their employees are paid so little - Amid the current economic crisis, the debate over CEO pay has intensified. Now more than ever, people are asking, "Are CEOs overpaid?" Psychologist Jerald Greenberg says, "As resources become scarce, we become... continued