Are We About to Enter ANOTHER War?

March 9, 2009
The Jerusalem Post says that Israel is seriously considering an attack on Iran to prevent it from building nuclear weapons. This is not the first time that an impending attack on Iran by Israel has been rumored. Recently, the International... continued

Similar Videos Suggest Proof of Aliens

March 9, 2009
Thanks to a sharp-eyed"Out There"reader, videos ofidentical and extremely bizarre living forms have emergedfrom two different countries. Both show odd "stick figures"that look nothing like any "alien video" ever made. One wastaken in Fresno, California and the other in Santa... continued

What a Difference an Hour Can Make

March 6, 2009 we'll find out what Daylight Saving Time starts on Sunday - It may only be a single hour of lost time, but "springing forward" for Daylight Saving Time, as we will do on Sunday, March 8, can pack a... continued

Whitley in Phoenix on Saturday!

March 6, 2009
Whitley will be sigining books in the Phoenix area on March 7 at 2 p.m. at The Poisoned Pen, 4014 N Goldwater Blvd. Suite 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85251, (480) 947-2974. For information, click here. Art credit: NOTE: This news... continued

Whitley’s Journal: The Real Reason for the Crash

March 6, 2009
And how to fix it - If you don't understand how we got into our current financial mess or?more important?how to fix it, this is the journalyou need! Whitley Strieber writes: "When economists talk about the crash, they usually blame... continued

It’s OK to be a Little Sad (Especially in Times Like These)

March 5, 2009
?just not TOO MUCH - Scientists think that a little sadness can be useful, but clinical depression is NOT. This is yet another reason why teenagers shouldn't smoke: They could be setting themselves up for depression later in life. Unlike... continued

Pole Life

March 5, 2009
Some of the same species are living on BOTH ENDS of the earth?how in the world did this happen? In BBC News, Mark Kinver quotes researcher Ron O'Dor as saying, "Some of the more obvious species like birds and whales... continued

A Warmer Future

March 5, 2009
What will it mean? Ask your local lake! - Four degrees Celsius is the equivalent of 7.2degrees Fahrenheit, and this is the amount that the earth is projected to warm up in the future. It seems like a small change,... continued

The Oldest Words

March 4, 2009
Which ones will be lost in the future? - What are the oldest words in the English language? Also, which words are most likely to become extinct in the future? Linguists claim they can answer BOTH these questions! BBC News... continued

ANOTHER Reason Sodas are Bad for You

March 4, 2009
ESPECIALLY if you're a woman! - Sodas have been blamed for the obesity epidemic?now there's ANOTHER reason why you shouldn?t drink them (especially if you?re a woman). Women who drink two or more cans of regular soda (not diet soda)... continued