UFO Spotted at Inauguration.

January 23, 2009
A sign of the future? - During Obama's inauguration, CNN broadcast an image of a UFO?is this a portent for the future? Or is it a bird close to the camera...or asurveillance blimp in the distance? So far, nobody has... continued

Why Wasn’t This Reported in the West?

January 22, 2009
UFO crash in the Middle East - According to one reporter, a UFO crashed in Saudi Arabia on January 7, near the capital city Riyadh, which was seen as far away as Kuwait. It was viewed by millions of people,... continued

A New Way to Go Deaf

January 22, 2009
...Play golf! - Golf can be frustrating, and that's bad enough?but did you know that it's one of the upscale pastimes that can make you deaf? BBC News reports that frequent golfers in the UK have been going to their... continued

Our Growing Website Community

January 22, 2009
New blog by a Dreamland listener - Unknowncountry and Dreamland fan Jim Boyle has created a blog on Blogspot.com called Navigating Dreamland that comments on Dreamland and keeps up with the activities of our great hosts! It's a thoughtful blog,... continued

Irrigate Your Garden with Salt Water

January 21, 2009
?and replace corn as cattle food! - In case of drought, we want to find a way to remove the salt from water so we can drink it. Since this will be an expensive process, it would be great if... continued

Did a Giant Wave Once Engulf New York City?

January 21, 2009
Did a huge wave (known as a tsunami)strike New York's Fire Island, washing over Wall Street, 2,000 years ago? Geologists are finding evidence that this is what happened. We're all worried about Wall Street's financial problems?let's hope we don't have... continued

Whitley’s Journal: The World is Not What it Seems

January 21, 2009
In Whitley's new extraordinary new journal, he writes about an article in a scientific publication "about what could be the most important physics experiment in history, one that could, by revolutionizing our understanding of reality, enable us to much more... continued

How Will Obama’s Inauguration Speech be Remembered?

January 20, 2009
UPDATE: We have suggestions about some memorable lines! - Most Inauguration speeches are quickly forgotten, but a few contained lines that have stood the test of time. The most memorable inaugural addresses were delivered by: Jefferson ? "We are all... continued

Black Taste Buds

January 20, 2009
In honor of the inauguration of the first black President, when many banquets and parties will be held (as well as Martin Luther King Day), we present the following information: we know that Blacks have different immune systems from Whites,... continued

Birds Fall from the Sky

January 20, 2009
Is this something WE can catch? - Pelicans that seem to be suffering from a mysterious disease are crashing down onto moored boats and wandering dazed along highways. Hundreds of dead bird bodies have been found. This sort of thing... continued