Why UFO Files May Open in the Future

January 28, 2009
More signs that, under our new president, government knowledge about UFOs may finally come out of the classified closet?and you can help make sure this happens! President Obama has stated that his administration "is committed to creating an unprecedented level... continued

How to Look for Life on Mars

January 27, 2009
?and maybe live there ourselves someday - On Mars, NASA has found both methane gas and rocks that contain carbonates. Why is this important? The rocks show that the water on Mars is not too acidic to support life?otherwise, carbonates... continued

Those Nasty Political Rumors

January 27, 2009
Turns out nobody believed them! - About nine in 10 Americans heard the rumor that Barack Obama is a Muslim, making it possibly the most common rumor of the 2008 presidential campaign, according to a nationwide survey. However, voters are... continued

William Henry Egypt Tour Continues Despite Tragedy

January 27, 2009
Tragedy struck William Henry's current tour of Egypt'sancient sites over the weekend when a member of the tourgroup died in her sleep. Egyptian authorities have ruledthat the death was due to natural causes, and the tour iscontinuing despite the tragedy.... continued

How to Cure the Recession

January 26, 2009
A quick way to boost the economy? Instead of importing goods from places like China, one researcher thinks we should import taxpayers (instead of making them sneak across the border to work illegally, thus paying no taxes). In addition to... continued

Queen Interested in Crop Circles

January 26, 2009
...and thinks ETs make them - Queen Elizabeth's private secretary has revealed that the Queen not only takes an interest in crop circles, but believes that they are created by ETs. Her husband, Prince Philip, receives crop circle newsletters at... continued

Guess What’s on Sale?

January 23, 2009
Just when you need it most! - Our exquisite 2009 crop circle calendars are now $10 off?and the year has barely started! This is our lowest price ever, and subscribers get an ADDITIONAL 10% off. Want to know what the... continued

The Bottom of the Earth is Disappearing

January 23, 2009
?and it's our fault - No matter how cold this winter has been, the truth is: The world is getting warmer. Scientists studying climate change have long believed that while most of the rest of the globe has been getting... continued

UFO Spotted at Inauguration.

January 23, 2009
A sign of the future? - During Obama's inauguration, CNN broadcast an image of a UFO?is this a portent for the future? Or is it a bird close to the camera...or asurveillance blimp in the distance? So far, nobody has... continued

Why Wasn’t This Reported in the West?

January 22, 2009
UFO crash in the Middle East - According to one reporter, a UFO crashed in Saudi Arabia on January 7, near the capital city Riyadh, which was seen as far away as Kuwait. It was viewed by millions of people,... continued