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Yellowstone Quakes Have Slowed Down
January 15, 2009Danger of volcano eruption is over - The earthquake swarm in Yellowstone is finally dying down, so the fear that they might set off a volcano that would lead to the deaths of as many as a billion people has... continued
McKinnon May Not be Extradited to US
January 15, 2009Computer hacker Gary McKinnon pled guilty in the UK in order to avoid extradition to the US, where he could be tried as a terrorist for hacking NASA computers in his quest for classified UFO information (at least Guantanamo is... continued
Vote YES on UFO Disclosure
January 15, 2009The Office of the President Elect has created a websitecalled Change.gov that asks citizens to propose and vote ona large number of different issues. ONE OF THOSE ISSUES ISUFO DISCLOSURE. We urge you toCLICKHERE to vote YES on this issue... continued
UFO Documents Declassified?This Time it’s Brazil!
January 14, 2009Why can't the US do it too? - The Brits did it, the French did it, Canada did it, and now Brazil has done it?but we still resist declassifying our UFO information. Most Americans think that should change, but will... continued
Cars from Cocoanuts
January 14, 2009Tires from soy flour & NEW CAR BATTERIES - At the recent Detroit auto show, desperate car companies displayed their new models to a largely bored crowd. The only thing that caught people's interest was the new electric car, the... continued
What Bees See
January 14, 2009What attracts them to flowers? Iridescence! - We know what blind people see in their dreams, but what do bees see?why do they zoom in on certain nectar-rich flowers and ignore others? It?s not just the colors they?re attracted to,... continued
Out There: New Section on our Website
January 13, 2009If you look along the top of our home page, underneath the masthead and to the right of "the news" tab, you'll see our brand new "Out There" section, and Whitley Strieber wants to thank you for making it such... continued
Look & Please Touch
January 13, 2009Consumers are often told to "look but don't touch," that if they break an item, they buy it. But a new study suggests that if they just touch an item for more than a few seconds, they may also end... continued
Attack on US Remains Greatest Threat
January 13, 2009Whitley's new novel tells why - As he leaves office, President George W. Bush has warned Barack Obama that a terrorist attack on American soil remains the greatest threat that the United States faces. He said that he continued to... continued
Whitley’s New Year Wish
January 12, 2009We recently posted a Christmas diary that Anne Strieber wrote eight years ago. Two years ago, one of Whitley?s journals gave us hopeful advice about the New Year, so we?re reminding you about that again too. Remember: No matter how... continued