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Tooth Truth
December 12, 2008You can't hide the truth from your dentist! For instance, they can spot bulemics (who gorge and purge) from the way their teeth become eroded by stomach acid. Dentist Mohamed Bassiouny is a sort of "tooth detective." He discovered a... continued
Does Your Car Have a Personality?
December 12, 2008Lots of people think their cars have a specific personality. A new study has discovered that many people see human facial features in the front end of automobiles and ascribe various personality traits to cars?a modern experience driven by our... continued
Going to Vegas for the holidays?
December 11, 2008If you're thinking about doing away with yourself (and we hope you're NOT!), it turns out there's only one place to go. We all assume that anyone who commits suicide has a good reason to do so, yet many people... continued
Happiness is like a Virus
December 11, 2008?it's catching! - Can THIS glass be seen as half full instead of half empty? This Christmas season, remember: laughter can be infectious. You don't need a sophisticated study to tell you that, but nevertheless, there WAS such a study,... continued
Anne’s Diary: Busy, Busy, BUSY
December 10, 2008In her latest diary, Anne Strieber writes about the often meaningless hustle and bustle of the holiday season and compares it to?the way business is done in Hollywood! If you love Anne's diaries, support this site: Subscribe today! Art credit:... continued
Why Men Have More Trouble in a Recession
December 10, 2008They are genetically programmed to SPEND! - In a recession, we all have less to spend. But are men genetically programmed to keep on spending money anyway? Bling, foreclosures, rising credit card debt, bank and auto bailouts, upside down mortgages... continued
Salmon Go Home
December 9, 2008How salmon find their way back to their birthplace to reproduce after migrating across thousands of miles of open ocean has mystified scientists for more than a century. But now marine biologists at think they may have discovered the secret.... continued
Something GOOD About the Recession?
December 9, 2008Is there anything good that can be said about the current recession? Well, the last depression was one of the greatest creative periods of our time, so maybe this one will be too. Researcher Miles Orvell says, "?Adversity and hardship... continued
You May Own a Conscious Computer Someday
December 8, 2008The Master of the Key predicted this and now it's come true: computers of the future will mimic brains. In BBC News, Jason Palmer quotes IBM researcher Dharmendra Modha as saying, "The mind has an amazing ability to integrate ambiguous... continued
Do You Dream in Color?
December 8, 2008...or in black and white? - In the Monday, Dec. 1st edition of the New York Times, Anahad O'Connor addresses the claim that some people only dream in black and white. Is this true? It turns out that a small... continued