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Marijuana for the Memory
December 2, 2008It's not as dangerous as scientiststhink it shouldbe, and it can even be consideredmedicine. Also,it may affect different people indifferent ways. The more researchers study the effects of marijuana, themore evidence scientists find that specific elements in itcan be good... continued
Where the Latest Terrorism Came From
December 2, 2008There were 30 years of IRA terrorism in the UK, and then it was us. Now the recent horrific attacks in Mumbai have shown how difficult it is for developing states to be safe from terrorism. Since 2005, this is... continued
Anne’s Diary: Feed My Sheep
December 1, 2008In Anne's newest diary, she writes about helping to feed 800 homeless people on the day before Thanksgiving. She was assigned to be a "gravy spotter" and says, "It was hard work, and some of us gals in the 'gravy... continued
Will the Bailout Work?
December 1, 2008More indications that we are heading for a major economic depression: the bailout costs will total more than the Marshall Plan, the Louisiana Purchase, the moonshot, the S&L bailout, the Korean War, the New Deal, the Iraq war, the Vietnam... continued
Found: UFO Debris
November 28, 2008A mysterious UFO crash in Cyprus 35 years ago may finally be solved. In the Cyprus Mail, Nathan Morley quotes Britishsoldier Tom Clarke as saying, "We were all awoken at about 2 am by a brilliant bluish dazzling bright light... continued
Will we soon get a Jurassic Park?for REAL?
November 28, 2008A team of researchers claim that they can create a mammoth from ancient DNA for $10 million and sell them to zoos around the world. The price seems high, but it's around the same amount that museums have recently paid... continued
Exercise & Rest
November 26, 2008You need BOTH to stave off cancer! - If you eat too much Thanksgiving dinner, remember this: exercise is good for more than just your waistline. Regular physical activity can lower a woman's overall risk of cancer?but ONLY if she... continued
November 26, 2008Maybe it's the sports - Sports fans have a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) than do people who are less personally committed and emotionally involved with a sports team.?and it's not just because they don't get off the couch! For... continued
November 26, 2008How did it start? - We all know that Thanksgiving didn't REALLY start with the pilgrims, but how DID it start? The current version of Thanksgiving was created by a journalistic crusader, and would have been unrecognizable to the Pilgrims... continued
Hair Turned White? TURN IT BACK!
November 26, 2008This happened to Whitley: Sometimes illness or shock can cause your hair to turn white overnight. Now there may be a way to reverse this process. German researchers recreated a naturally-occurring molecule called K(D)PT, which is similar to the hormones... continued