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The Surge (Again)
November 25, 2008In the Sunday New York Times, there was yet another editorial (this time by Donald Rumsfeld) defending the surge, which made us decide to post a reminder about Anne Strieber's diary on this topic. NOTE: This news story, previously published... continued
Whitley’s Journal: The Coming Depression
November 24, 2008Over the last few months, Whitley Strieber has written an outstanding series of journals about the coming recession, but his latest one is the most powerful of all! In it, he indicts the Bush government for trying desperately to lay... continued
CNN’S American Morning to Feature UFO Week
November 24, 2008Beginning on Monday morning, when Clinton White House Chief of Staff and head of the Obama transition team JohnPodesta, along with astronaut Edgar Mitchell and Dan Akroyd, all tell their own UFO stories, CNN'S morning show will spend the week... continued
Gene Clash
November 21, 2008Researchers think that brain disorders such as autism and schizophrenia are the result of a clash of incompatible genes between the mother and the father. In the November 11th edition of the New York Times, Benedict Carey reports that the... continued
November 21, 2008How do psychopaths (who are all around us) find their victims? A new study suggests they are deeply attuned to vulnerable people. Researcher Kevin Wilson says, "?The lion goes after the most vulnerable, the one they have the best chance... continued
Feeling Sleepy?
November 21, 2008That's because parts of your brain are actually asleep - There's no control center in your brain that dictates when it's time for you to drift off to dreamland. Instead, sleep creeps up on you as independent groups of brain... continued
Will Gas Prices Go Up or Down?
November 20, 2008First they were high, now they're low?what's predicted for the future? What plans should we make for the holiday season if we want to drive to visit friends and family? Engineer Peter Clark thinks that gasoline prices will continue to... continued
Maybe We Should WALK Instead
November 20, 2008A new study shows that just 3 months of aerobic exercise decreased body fat and calorie intake in overweight and obese people, and researchers this is due to a basic change in the central nervous system. Exercise can even help... continued
The Chinese May Bail Us Out
November 19, 2008?.by buying General Motors and Chrysler - In The Truth About Cars website, Bertel Schmitt says that China's daily business newspaper, the 21st Century Business Herald, has reported that a "senior official of China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology"... continued
Whitley on Sci Fi TV Series TONIGHT
November 19, 2008Tune into George Noory's new nightly interview show on the Sci Fi cable channel at 11 pm Pacific on Wednesday, Nov. 19, when he will talk to Whitley about his personal Visitor experiences and to Linda Howe about the incredible... continued