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Where the Church REALLY Stands
November 4, 2008...on controversial issues - In a political season, we hear statements about the Catholic church that don't reflect what has been historically true: it has in the past sanctioned both gay marriage and abortion. Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph Biden... continued
New Diary: Is Anne Strieber a Pagan?
November 3, 2008A post-Halloween reflection - In her newdiary, AnneStrieber writes: "Shortly after I did the subscriberinterview withDawnBrunke, a listener wrote and asked, 'Is Anne Strieber apagan?' I was scratching my head over that one, but then Ifinally figured it out." If... continued
Do We See What’s Really There?
November 3, 2008When vision is lost, a person's senses of touch and hearing become enhanced. But exactly how this happens has been unclear. And why do we have two eyes that face forward, rather than eyes on the sides of heads, the... continued
Plants Return Fire
November 3, 2008When attacked, plants use bugs to protect themselves and to retaliate. It turns out they can also defend themselves by using their roots to secrete acid that brings bacteria to the rescue. This quashes the misperception that plants are at... continued
How You Can Hear MORE
October 31, 2008Bert Janssen, the weekend's Dreamland guest, will be speaking about crop circles at a conference in Sedona, Arizona January 9-11. William Henry, who did the subscriber interview with Bert, has only TWO places left for his next Egyptian tour on... continued
Why it’s Fun to be Scared
October 31, 2008Why do we like horror films, amusement park rides and?Halloween? Researchers have discovered that a look of horror makes a faster first impression on our brains than a smile. Our brains become aware of fearful faces more quickly than those... continued
Is Trick-or-Treat Candy Safe?
October 31, 2008The milk that killed 4 children in China, and made 50,000 of them sick, was laced with an industrial chemical called melamine, which can cause kidney stones (which can be fatal in infants). Melamine has a high nitrogen content, which... continued
Terror Politics
October 31, 2008Last week, on one of its password-protected websites, Al Qaeda said that the election of John McCain was preferable to Barack Obama. This is because McCain is more likely to continue the polarizing policies of the Bush administration, which have... continued
Volcanoes Bring Life AND Death
October 29, 2008Volcanoes may have originally been the source of life on Earth. But today they cause death, and nearly 500 million people live close enough to the planet's 600 currently active volcanoes. We need to find a way to PREDICT when... continued
Is Your Computer Spying on You?
October 29, 2008Computer criminals could soon be eavesdropping on what you type by analyzing the electromagnetic signals produced by every key press, as a technology that has been available to US intelligence agencies for twenty years finally makes its way into the... continued