Whitley to HOST Coast TONIGHT

October 24, 2008
UPDATE--New guest! - On Friday, October 24, Whitley will host a night of open lines on Coast to Coast AM, so you can talk with him personally! But for the first hour, from 10 to 11 pm Pacific, he will... continued

Why Lehman Bros. Went Under?

October 24, 2008
The current recession, along with corrupt business practices, caused the investment bank Lehman Brothers to go bankrupt. Seven years ago, after Lehman acquired Peabody Coal, a delegation of Navajo, Hopi and Lakota elders warned them about the spiritual consequences of... continued

We’re Shooting Down UFOs!

October 24, 2008
Whitley Strieber has reported for years that the visitors have told him that the reason that they do not make contact with us is that the United States shoots at them, and now the UK Ministry of Defense has confirmed... continued

Your Brain on Music

October 23, 2008
By age 9 months, babies can pick out sad music from happy pieces. Maybe we ALL start out with musicians' brains: It turns out that trained musicians really DO think differently than the rest of us?in fact?along with successful baseball... continued

Is Extinction in Your Future?

October 23, 2008
One in four mammal species is threatened with extinction, and the terrestrial mammals in Southeast Asia are particularly at risk. The top threats to land mammals are habitat loss and harvesting (hunting, use for medicine, fuel and other materials). A... continued

Middle-Aged Suicide: Is the Problem Money?

October 22, 2008
Teen suicide gets plenty of airtime, but a new US study finds that middle-aged whites are emerging as a high-risk group. Could this be due to the recession? Before 1999, white middle-aged men were the least likely to kill themselves.... continued

Pollution Cuts the Earth in Half

October 22, 2008
There's a real equator?the invisible line that divides the earth's North from its South?but there's also a "chemical equator" that divides the polluted air of the North from the relatively clear air of the South. But as the South becomes... continued

Classified UFO Documents Reveal

October 22, 2008
...passenger jet in near-collision with UFO - Will the next president come clean about UFOs? They're already doing this in the UK! On Monday, Oct. 20 The Sun newspaper in the UK reported that in 1991, an Alitalia passenger jet... continued

Baseball Money

October 21, 2008
It's all in the POST season! - What's the baseball post-season worth to a team?in money, that is? New research shows for each postseason win, the Philadelphia Phillies organization will receive approximately $2.5 million in revenue this year and $3.3... continued

Washing: Why?

October 21, 2008
We all know that we should wash our hands often, and here's a new reason WHY. Don't you wish everyone washed their hands after going to the bathroom? (YOU do, don't you?) BBC News found that more than one in... continued