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Halt That Malt
October 10, 2008It gets you drunk more slowly, but this might make you drink MORE - A new study suggests that people process malt liquor beverages differently than they do other alcoholic beverages. The researchers found a significant difference in how quickly... continued
Can’t Sleep?
October 10, 2008Smell the roses! - Nightmares? If you want sweet dreams, sleep with flowers in your bedroom?especially roses. When volunteers slept with roses in their rooms, they reported having pleasant dreams, but the smell of rotten eggs had the opposite effect.... continued
Does Depression Make You More Creative?
October 9, 2008David Foster Wallace, the talented young author who recently committed suicide, battled depression for 20 years. And people who take many days of sick leave for psychiatric reasons are twice as likely to die from cancer as healthier employees. Finally,... continued
Global Warming Will Cause More Disease
October 9, 2008One remedy: white paint! - Twelve pathogens could spread into new regions of the world, as a result of global warming. The "Deadly Dozen" list?including such diseases as malaria, bird flu, Ebola, cholera, and tuberculosis?show the broad range of diseases... continued
The Japanese Won’t Let It Rest
October 9, 2008In a new Insight, we talk more about the Japanese probe into 911? where Japanese citizens were killed, as well as Americans. You didn't read about this in your local media, did you? We always tell you the truth?about everything?and... continued
Where Did AIDS Come From?
October 8, 2008We know how it spreads, but how did it start? - The arrival of Europeans to sub-Saharan Africa at the beginning of the 20th century may have also been the beginning of HIV. Researchers have now analyzed one of the... continued
Monkey Biz in the Workplace
October 8, 2008Does your boss drive you nuts? You can't get a new job in this recession, but you would swear this guy acts like an ape: bullying workers under him, strutting around, puffing out his chest, preening himself, adding touches of... continued
Dinner With a Cave Man
October 8, 2008What kinds of meals did Neanderthals eat? It turns out theyate a wider variety of foods than scientists used to thinkthey did?including an early version of SUSHI. Caves in Gibraltar that they once lived in reveal that theyate seals, dolphins... continued
Asteroid Hit TODAY
October 7, 2008A small, newly-discovered asteroid named 2008 TC3 is approaching Earth and chances are good that it will hit. Measuring only a few meters across, the space rock poses no threat to people or structures on the ground, but it should... continued
Race Talk
October 7, 2008With a black man running for president for the first time, white people?including children as young as 10?may avoid talking about race so as not to appear prejudiced. But that approach often backfires, as blacks tend to view this "colorblind"... continued