Monkey Biz in the Workplace

October 8, 2008
Does your boss drive you nuts? You can't get a new job in this recession, but you would swear this guy acts like an ape: bullying workers under him, strutting around, puffing out his chest, preening himself, adding touches of... continued

Dinner With a Cave Man

October 8, 2008
What kinds of meals did Neanderthals eat? It turns out theyate a wider variety of foods than scientists used to thinkthey did?including an early version of SUSHI. Caves in Gibraltar that they once lived in reveal that theyate seals, dolphins... continued

Are Future Predictions Real?

October 7, 2008
In Whitley's NEW journal, An Avalanche of Prophecy, he writes: "Not since the summer of 1989 have I seen such a massive upwelling of dire prophecy in the world. At, we are getting emails every day from people who... continued

Asteroid Hit TODAY

October 7, 2008
A small, newly-discovered asteroid named 2008 TC3 is approaching Earth and chances are good that it will hit. Measuring only a few meters across, the space rock poses no threat to people or structures on the ground, but it should... continued

Race Talk

October 7, 2008
With a black man running for president for the first time, white people?including children as young as 10?may avoid talking about race so as not to appear prejudiced. But that approach often backfires, as blacks tend to view this "colorblind"... continued

New Gas from Old Wells

October 6, 2008
?NATURAL gas, that is - Many delivery trucks and city buses now run on clean-burning natural gas?but this comes from wells, just like oil, and America's wells are running dry. But Japanese researchers have developed a method of using bacteria... continued

Bike Boom

October 6, 2008
Now that people can no longer afford to drive their SUVs, many of them are buying bikes. This could also help control overpopulation! In, Leander Kahney quotes bike store owner Kevin Menard as saying, "The gas prices are the... continued

Pain relief from ART

October 3, 2008
The Mozart Effect may not work, but the power of art to heal emotional wounds is well known, but could contemplating a beautiful painting have the same effect on physical pain? If so, this is the BEST KIND of placebo!... continued

Near Death Study

October 3, 2008
UK and US researchers are about to undertake a huge, 3-year study on near-death experiences (NDEs) in patients who have experienced cardiac arrest. Doctors will study 1,500 of these survivors to see if they had the typical NDE, with the... continued

Are you a shopaholic?

October 3, 2008
Take this test and find out! - Despite the recession, some people are still shopping till they drop?whether they can afford it or not. Are you one of them? The test below revealed that 9% of (mostly women) professors?out of... continued