Are you a shopaholic?

October 3, 2008
Take this test and find out! - Despite the recession, some people are still shopping till they drop?whether they can afford it or not. Are you one of them? The test below revealed that 9% of (mostly women) professors?out of... continued

William Henry Speaking in La Jolla THIS WEEKEND

October 3, 2008
Popular Dreamland host William Henry will be appearing with some previous Dreamland guests at a conference in La Jolla, CA that runs through Sunday, Oct. 5. For more information, click here. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old... continued

Does Your Personality Depend on Where You Live?

October 2, 2008
Or is it inborn?or BOTH? - Researchers have defined 5 basic components of personality: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to new ideas and experiences (and love of pets?) These can be measured with questionnaires. In Newsweek, Sharon Begley reports... continued

Cancer School

October 2, 2008
Can a classroom give you cancer? If it contains radiation left over from 100-year-old scientific experiments, it can. Ernest Rutherford was the first scientist to split the atom?and he may have been indirectly responsible for killing 4 people at a... continued

Soon EVERYBODY will be fat!

October 1, 2008
According to a new study, roughly 86% of Americans age 18 and older may be overweight or obese by 2030 and related health care costs would double every decade and could reach $956.9 billion in 2030?1 of every 6 health... continued

Math: How to Predict Who Will be Good at It

October 1, 2008
Knowing how precisely a high school freshman can estimate the number of objects in a group gives you a good idea how well he has done in math as far back as kindergarten. Does this mean that math ability is... continued

Is Fake Grass Safe?

October 1, 2008
And what if KIDS play on it? - Both baseball and football are moving to fake turf, since it needs less upkeep and always looks good on TV. But is it safe? Adding to the growing concerns over the health... continued

Is CERN a Stargate?

September 30, 2008
Dreamland host William Henry writes: "In 2004, I began reporting that the particle accelerator at CERN is a stargate. It fulfillsMayan and Messianic prophecy. This is based on my mythological profiling of the symbolism at CERN and the observations of... continued

The Surge: What REALLY Happened

September 30, 2008
In her diary of August 21st, Anne Strieber writes: "Latelythere's been a great controversy about whether 'the surge'?which sent 28,000 more troops into Iraq a year ago? has 'worked' or not, with the US military and John McCain saying yes,... continued

Congress Risks Economic Catastrophe

September 30, 2008 it secretly raises taxes - The US Congress yesterday defeated a seven hundred billion rescue passage for America's financial system even as it let stand the Alternative Minimum Tax, meaning that twenty three million Americans will pay an average... continued