A REALLY BIG Footprint…

September 12, 2008
...could even be a Sasquatch - Is it a footprint of Sasquatch?or an extraordinarily LARGE prehistoric person? An amateur archeologist found a huge fossil footprint on his Tennessee property that has made him a Bigfoot believer. In WSMV.com, Dennis Ferrier... continued

They’re Back!

September 12, 2008
For a limited time only: Get a FREE 2008 calendar with every order! - Since they started appearing, the general media have been laughing and lying about crop circles. However, in recent years, the laughter has died away, because the... continued

Asteroids & Fireballs

September 11, 2008
?and funny things happening on the sun - Lots of new stuff is being discovered in space?right here in our own galaxy! One newly-discovered asteroid may have a somewhat mysterious origin. And a flurry of "fireballs" (the tiny meteors called... continued

Remembering 911

September 11, 2008
Today is the 7th anniversary of the tragedy that has come to be known as 911. Our readers and listeners are aware that we have been following the trail of this terrorist attack ever since it struck, interviewing guests such... continued

Do You Dream About the Future?

September 11, 2008
Now you can be part of a special study - At the Arlington Institute, researchers have consulted precognizant dreamers and have learned about hundreds of case studies of individuals who had explicit dreams about 911 (people jumping out of burning... continued

CERN Powers Up

September 10, 2008
The Large Hadron Collider, also known asCERN, cost $10billion an is located on the border between France andSwitzerland. It wasactivated today. And don't worry: A new report provides the mostcomprehensive evidence available to confirm that the LargeHadron Collider?s switch-on poses... continued

Who Suffers Most from Road Pollution?

September 9, 2008
Kids! - You don't have to be ajogger tosuffer from highway pollution. New evidence blamestraffic-related pollution for increasing the risk of allergyamong children by more than 50%, and the closer the childrenlive to roads, the higher their risk. And it?s... continued

The AIDS Puzzle

September 9, 2008
Who gets it, who doesn't, and why? - AIDS experts have compelling evidence that some people live with HIV who for years and even decades show extremely low levels of the virus in their blood, never progressing to full-blown AIDS,... continued

Global Warming Link to Hurricanes Confirmed

September 9, 2008
and why Gustav wasn't as bad as Katrina - The theory that global warming may be contributing to stronger hurricanes in the Atlantic over the past 30 years is bolstered by a new study. Using global satellite data, researchers James... continued

Football: A Rough Game

September 8, 2008
...in fact, most players never recover - Football players have the shortest professional lives of players of any other sport. Not only do the have the most injuries during the NFL season, they often don't live long after they STOP... continued