What’s Going on with RUSSIA?

August 29, 2008
It's NOT what you think! - In his incredible new Journal, Whitley Strieber gives a further explanation of what is REALLY going on in Russia?along with a short history of that country (something that many people in the White House... continued

Convert Your Gas-Guzzler to Run on Hydrogen!

August 29, 2008
Roger Leir did it and you can too - There's a $10 million prize waiting for the person who can design a car that gets 100 miles a gallon, and one engineer has modified a 1993 Geo Metro that he... continued

WISDOM in Teeth

August 28, 2008
Now there's REAL wisdom in wisdom teeth?the Japanese have learned how to make stem cells out of them (and they can be kept in the freezer until needed!) However, since stem cells are most valuable for the diseases that strike... continued

Mystery Disease in India

August 28, 2008
Could it reach here? - A rural town in India is battling a baffling disease, which started small but has now spread to 350 people, killing 160 of them. 15 to 20 people are dying every day. These days, diseases... continued

Voting: How Do You Decide?

August 27, 2008
OK, we know a lot of the things we do are directed by our genes?but VOTING? And why are polls so often wrong? According to a new study, the decision to vote is partly genetic. Researchers James H. Fowler, Christopher... continued

Some of our Favorite Animals Vanishing into Thin Air

August 27, 2008
Like the vanishing polar bear, the decline in the penguin population is the canary in the coal mine, warning us that something is going wrong on our planet?but this time the problem isn't climate change. Oil pollution, depletion of fisheries... continued

Is it Safe to Nuke our Lettuce?

August 26, 2008
The verdict is still out - A controversy if brewing that reminds us of the arguments about genetically-modified foods: The Food and Drug Administration's new (Aug. 22nd) regulation that will allow irradiation pasteurization to be used on fresh spinach and... continued


August 26, 2008
Is there such a thing as MEN-opause? New research shows that both women AND men have biological clocks that start ticking when they reach their mid-30s. And was early man a mighty hunter? Turns out he was more of a... continued

Chasing the Anthrax Killer

August 25, 2008
The recent suicide of the government scientist who is suspected of being behind the 2001 anthrax terrorism brings up the question of what FBI investigators, who were about to close in on him, have been doing all this time. It... continued

Bees Teach Us How to Fight Terrorists

August 25, 2008
?but we are also practicing terrorism AGAINST bees! - How can you find a serial killer before he strikes again? Study the bees! And a single drug manufacturer may be behind bee disappearances here AND in France. Bees look for... continued