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Chinese Food Can Make You…Fat?
August 18, 2008We always thought that Chinese food was healthy, but now we're beginning to wonder. New findings show that MSG, a flavor enhancer commonly used in Asian dishes, may make you fat! People who use monosodium glutamate, or MSG, as a... continued
How to Avoid High Gas Prices
August 18, 2008What if you could simply plug your SUV into an outlet in your garage every night, instead of filling it up with expensive gasoline? Two Georgia drivers have figured out how to do just that. And a Canadian man is... continued
Food or Fuel?
August 18, 2008It's evil corn at work again: A secret World Bank report says that the production of biofuels is using up land that used to produce food, leading to a 75% increase in global food prices despite the US government's allegation... continued
Bigfoot Mystery May NOT Soon be Solved
August 15, 2008NEW Update: Press release & description of press conference - We recently wrote about some Yeti (Bigfoot) hair that has been found and will soon be analyzed. Now two mensay they found a Bigfoot BODY in the Georgia woods and... continued
UFO Hacker Gets Reprieve…for Now
August 15, 2008NASA UFO hacker Gary McKinnon was about to be extradited to the US for trial as a terrorist, since he lost his appeal in the House of Lords, but he has now gotten a temporary reprieve. US prosecutors have offered... continued
Earth May Save Itself
August 15, 2008...at least it's trying to - The earth may be trying to SAVE ITSELF. First sunspots (which contribute to, but don't cause, global warming) have slowed way down. Now the country of Bangladesh, which was at risk of drowning, is... continued
Anne Strieber: Who I Think the Visitors Are
August 15, 2008In our Insight section, Anne Strieber shares some of the most compelling Communion Letters she's every read, that indicate to her that these mysterious creatures are either time travelers, visitors from a parallel universe, the dead?or all 3. NOTE: This... continued
Dangerous Smells
August 14, 2008But it's more dangerous NOT to smell! - Our lives are filled with manufactured smells: a study of 6 top-selling laundry products and air fresheners shows that these products emitted dozens of different chemicals, and all of them gave off... continued
UFO Wave Continues
August 14, 2008We recently reported on the UFO wave in the UK, which is STILL GOING ON: So far this year 150 UFOs have been reported to police, military bases and the Ministry of Defense, compared to just 135 for 2007, and... continued
Arctic (and Other) Battles
August 13, 2008The recent altercation between Russia and Georgia reminds us that future wars will be fought over natural resources (this one was probably REALLY about oil). Various countries are claiming the moon too (which has its own valuable fuel?although only the... continued