It Wasn’t Always a Desert

July 24, 2008
We now know that water is on the moon, but it was once on Mars?so there could once have been life there, even if it isn?t there today. New NASA data reveals that there was once plenty of water on... continued

Insight: Distinguished Brazilian General Says ‘UFO Secrets Must Be Disclosed’

July 24, 2008
The Japanese have said it. The English are releasing theirclassified files. The French are looking into it, and our neighbors to the North claim there's a coverup. Now BRAZIL admits UFOs are real, and says that the secrecy shouldend. And... continued

Would There Still be Racial Prejudice if…?

July 24, 2008
Now that the we have our first African-American presidential candidate, Race has become a major subject. Would whites be less prejudiced against blacks if they saw them from the time they were babies? It works that way for pediatricians. A... continued

Smoking Makes You Deaf

July 23, 2008
It's not only loud noises that can make you deaf?both smoking and being overweight can do it too. Both disrupt the blood flow to the ears. BBC News quotes researcher Erik Fransen as saying, "Once the damage is done, it's... continued


July 23, 2008
The UK continues to have a phenomenal number of UFO sightings. On July 13, Charlotte Bevan was picking her older sister up from a movie, when she saw a bright orange light hovering above the theater. Cineworld in the town... continued

Bees Speak Foreign Languages

July 22, 2008
We know that bees do a quantum dance, and it turns out that they also speak (or at least dance) foreign languages! And most people think before making decisions. As it turns out, so do bees. Scientists wanted to find... continued

Poison Ivy is GOOD?

July 22, 2008
If we need a plant to suck up excess carbon dioxide, we can plant lots of?.poison ivy? In the July 17 edition of The New York Times, Anne Raver writes that when researchers pumped high levels of CO2 into an... continued

Why Some Death Row Inmates are Executed

July 21, 2008
...and others are not - Many inmates spend decades on death row?how are the ones who are finally actually executed chosen? For instance, only around 50 of the over 3,200 inmates on death row were executed in 2006. A statistical... continued

Ecotourism Can be BAD

July 21, 2008
They MEAN well, but they're wrecking Belize, which is an unforgettable mix of tropical waterfalls, ancient Mayan ruins and deep limestone caves. It's one of the world's most popular destinations for ecotourists. Researcher Peter Kumble is working with the Belize... continued

Cave Music

July 18, 2008
Why did prehistoric cave artists pick certain walls?and not others?on which you paint their beautiful images? Their choices may have to do with acoustics. Prehistoric artists may have painted the areas in their caves where singing, humming and music sounded... continued