Potting Soil on Mars

July 1, 2008
We don't yet know if there's life on Mars, but now that we've found water, we know that there could soon be life there?HUMAN life. But we need more than water, we need food. Well, surprise! Martian dirt is similar... continued

Now That Guns are Legal…

June 30, 2008
Who will be hurt the most? - In light of the recent Supreme Court interpretation of the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution, which give us the "right to bear arms," it's interesting to take a look at crime statistics... continued

New Architecture: Don’t Like the View?

June 30, 2008
...just wait awhile - Hate the view from your apartment window? Just wait a little while, and it will change...if you live in Dubai. A skyscraper being built there will change shape as the floors spin around a central core,... continued

Investigation into Those UK UFO Sightings

June 27, 2008
The British Ministry of Defense (the UK equivalent of the Pentagon) is being asked to launch an official inquiry into a group of recent UFO sightings, one of which was filmed by a soldier on night patrol using his cell... continued

How to Remember

June 27, 2008
Scientists learn more about our memories every day?how to make them better as well as how to intentionally make them worse. And to keep your memory sharp, drink coffee! Do you remember the seventh song that played on your radio... continued

Earth’s Future May Be a FROZEN One

June 27, 2008
...rather than a hot one - For the past two years, the sun has undergone a phase of relative inactivity, meaning usual solar phenomena such as sun flares, sun spots, and solar eruptions have all but disappeared. "It's a dead... continued


June 26, 2008
Can't quite figure out who that person is? Anne Strieber has written about how she has problems recognizing people ever since her stroke. A researcher who was trying to figure out how to get children from the "missing" posters on... continued

Linda Howe on Coast to Coast AM TONIGHT

June 26, 2008
Linda Howe will be on Coast to Coast AM tonight (Thursday, June 26) talking about the recent UFO wave in the UK, which she also reports on in detail on this week's Dreamland. You can meet Linda IN PERSON at... continued

A Confession

June 26, 2008
A conservative media outlet admits that, undoubtedly pressured by the Bush administration's unwavering support of big business, NASA downplayed studies on global warming that were done between 2004 and 2006?and some of them were THEIR OWN studies! Now none other... continued

Smoking Protects

June 25, 2008
...sometimes - Some things that seem destructive can be helpful in another way?under the right circumstances. With this in mind, researchers have discovered that a gene that makes you more likely to smoke also PROTECTS you from becoming addicted to... continued