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Asteroids Hit More Often Than We Think
June 25, 2008The evidence is on the ocean floor - Asteroid impacts, like the one that did in the dinosaurs, are not as rare as we'd like to think they are. 70% of the earth is covered in water, so most asteroids... continued
Major Nation Will Drown
June 24, 2008100 years from now it will be gone - We reported that a tiny island nation is going under for the 3rd time, but now a much bigger country?Bangladesh?is set to drown as well, and 150 million people will lose... continued
Ice Definitely on Mars
June 24, 2008The Phoenix lander has found ice on Mars. Astronomers identify it as ice because some of it that was unearthed in a trench dug by the lander disappeared 4 days later, meaning it melted or vaporized. NASA thinks that water... continued
Not Too Late to Join Us THIS Weekend
June 23, 2008It will be a kind of Woodstock of The Edge! - One of our readers writes: "I am going to be there and am getting more excited about it every day. To be surrounded by people like me will truly... continued
Does Israel Plan to Attack Iran?
June 23, 2008Recent Wargames suggest they will - Is Israel going to do our dirty work for us? BBC News and the New York Times report that Israel just carried out what seems to have been a "rehearsal" for an attack on... continued
Helicopter Chases UFO
June 23, 2008...and nearly collides with it! - On June 8 in Wales, a police helicopter chased what was described as a "saucer-shaped" UFO "with flashing lights" and nearly collided with it, until the helicopter lost sight of the craft and had... continued
Severed Feet: Cause May Have Been Found
June 20, 2008Update: Foot # Six is a hoax, but the explanation still stands for the rest. - MORE severed feet have been found washed up on a beach in British Columbia. These are the the fifth and sixth human feet to... continued
Anne’s Diary: Portents
June 20, 2008Anne Strieber's newest diary starts with these lines: "After a group meeting, an acolyte once asked his teacher, 'Why do you always say the same thing?' The guru's reply: 'Because you haven't heard me yet.'" Then she goes on to... continued
Proof of Other Earth-Like Planets
June 20, 2008weekend reading - A recent survey of nearby stars shows that 30% of them have versions of earth orbiting around them. Many of these are as much as 10 times larger than our own home planet. Many of the stars... continued
Water World is REAL
June 19, 2008In 1995, a film called "Waterworld" postulated a future earth where the oceans have risen so high that everyone lives on boats. With floods in Iowa, China and India engulfing entire cities, it almost seems if that scenario as become... continued