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Severed Feet: Cause May Have Been Found
June 20, 2008Update: Foot # Six is a hoax, but the explanation still stands for the rest. - MORE severed feet have been found washed up on a beach in British Columbia. These are the the fifth and sixth human feet to... continued
Anne’s Diary: Portents
June 20, 2008Anne Strieber's newest diary starts with these lines: "After a group meeting, an acolyte once asked his teacher, 'Why do you always say the same thing?' The guru's reply: 'Because you haven't heard me yet.'" Then she goes on to... continued
Water World is REAL
June 19, 2008In 1995, a film called "Waterworld" postulated a future earth where the oceans have risen so high that everyone lives on boats. With floods in Iowa, China and India engulfing entire cities, it almost seems if that scenario as become... continued
Gay Brains
June 19, 2008Now that gays can get married in California, it's worth noting that the brains of gay men and women look like the brains of straight people of the opposite sex. In gay men and straight women, both halves the brain... continued
Fate of UFO Hacker Will Be Decided Soon
June 18, 2008A judgement will be made in 3 weeks about whether or not the UK will extradite Gary McKinnon, the UK citizen who hacked into NASA computers in order to get UFO information, to the US. McKinnon, who lives in the... continued
To Save on Fuel, Redesign Trucks
June 18, 2008?or use pig poop instead of diesel - With the lack of rail roads, most of the long-distance hauling that needs to be done in the US is done by trucks, and truckers are chafing at high gas prices. One... continued
How to Make Golf Courses REALLY Green
June 17, 2008Tiger Woods just won the US Open, so we're all thinking about golf. One of the main reasons that communities object to have golf courses built in their areas is that, while they bring valuable tourism to the area, they... continued
They DID It!
June 17, 2008We all know the polluting problems with gas-powered cars, but hybrids have their problems too. Now Honda has achieved something that many people thought could not be done: designed a hydrogen-powered car. But don't run out and order one?BBC News... continued
What is Music?
June 16, 2008It's really math - Philosophers have been biting their nails over this question for hundreds of years. Musicians and mathematicians don't seem to have much in common, but scholars have suspected for centuries that the mysterious force that shapes the... continued
Whitley Talks About Crop Circles…& His New Book
June 16, 2008listen to Whitley talk about his new novel - Click here to listen to an interview with Whitley Strieber by Rick Kleffel, who talked to him about his new novel "Midnight" (which has been retitled "Critical Mass" and will be... continued