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Interview with Whitley’s Implant Doctor on YouTube
June 2, 2008You can now see a conversation on YouTube between Whitley and John Lerma, the doctor who tried (and failed) to remove Whitley?s implant. To watch it, click here. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have... continued
Dead Zones
June 2, 2008There may not be much for dinner soon, even in wealthy countries. fish are dying off due to "dead zones" caused by global warming. As global warming makes the oceans warmer, oxygen-deprived regions are getting bigger. They are caused when... continued
Biofuels Can Be BAD
May 30, 2008Biofuels based on ethanol, vegetable oil and other renewable sources are popular with government and environmentalists as a way to reduce fossil fuel dependence and limit greenhouse gas emissions. The problem? They may have exactly the OPPOSITE impacts than the... continued
The Language of Flowers
May 30, 2008A researcher has discovered that flowers "wave" at insects to get their attention. But there may not be many bees for them to wave at soon, since the mysterious bee disease has now spread to Canada. In BBC News, Matt... continued
What Kind of Clothes Will You Wear in the Future?
May 29, 2008What will we be wearing in the future? Whether they're invisible or made out of chicken feathers, the fabrics that make up our clothes are changing. One of these may be made up of something that grows so fast it's... continued
UFO News: Explosion Over Houston, Crash in Vietnam
May 29, 2008UPDATE: UFO landing in Australia? - UPDATE: First, it was a UFO that remained on the ground for 30 hours in an isolated area of southern Mexico. Then, a series of mysterious object crashes, including most recently an event in... continued
Will China Earthquake Lead to Quakes in Other Places?
May 28, 2008...like California? - China is relaxing its one-child policy for victims of the May 12 earthquake, which killed more than 65,000 people, many of them children. Close to 25,000 people are still missing. And a new study shows that large... continued
Vast Cracks
May 27, 2008The level of methane?one of the most dangerous greenhouse gases?rose last year, after being stable for a decade, and researchers now think these emissions are coming from wetlands around the melting Arctic region. A Canadian expedition to the Arctic has... continued
Microbe Madness
May 27, 2008Five years ago, we reported that a virus may be responsible for schizophrenia. Now there's evidence that someday, we may be able to cure autism and schizophrenia with a vaccine. That's the good news. The bad news: housework is good... continued
Is it Genetic
May 27, 2008...or caused by a virus? - Are you fat? It may not be your fault. If you were a fat child, it's probably genetic. It could even be due to the kind of bacteria you have in your intestines! Maybe... continued