We’re Looking Forward to Meeting SO MANY of You

May 23, 2008
...at our FIRST Dreamland Festival June 27-29! - We talked about holding a Dreamland festival and YOU responded! The result: we're filling up fast and the number of tickets is limited, because we want to keep the group small enough... continued

A Real Threat…or Not?

May 23, 2008
In these political times, many candidates, as well as the incumbent administration, will be tempted to play the terrorism card, claiming that terrorist attacks are up and only their side knows how to combat this. But a database that keeps... continued

WATCH a Conversation Between Whitley & William!

May 23, 2008
A conversation between Whitley and William Henry about whether or not the CERN particle accelerator will lead to time travel is now posted on YouTube. To watch it, click here. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site,... continued

Whole SOLAR SYSTEM Getting Hotter

May 23, 2008
UPDATE: Jupiter has NEW red spot & frost melting on Pluto - Earth is not the only planet in this solar system that is experiencing increased heating and weather upheavals. Increased turbulence and storms were first seen on Jupiter over... continued

Bizarre Crop Circle in Netherlands

May 23, 2008
Includes Upside Down Plants - Overnight on May 13-14, one of the strangest groups of crop formations ever seen appeared on a farm near Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands. Three large circles were created by something that flattened and scorched... continued

Crystal Skulls: Real or Fake?

May 23, 2008
A new study used an electron microscope to show that two of the best known crystal skulls, which are on display at the British Museum in London and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, are modern fakes, because they were... continued

Who’s Behind All That Crime?

May 22, 2008
During a political season like this one, some candidates claim that immigration leads to high crime rates, but a new study shows that immigrant neighborhoods actually experience LESS violence. Based on assumptions that immigrants are more likely to commit crimes... continued

Are You the Oldest, a Twin?or a Kissing Cousin?

May 22, 2008
The oldest child in a family is usually the most successful. Even identical twins are not really identical. And for some reason, the marriages that produce the most children are unions between distant cousins. New research shows that first-born children... continued

Does Sunlight Cancel Cancer?

May 21, 2008
Researchers have found a link between a lack of exposure to sunlight, specifically ultraviolet B (UVB), and breast cancer. UVB exposure helps create vitamin D3 in the body, which can you can also get from your diet and from supplements,... continued

Water: Bamboozled by Bottled

May 21, 2008
How much do you spend on bottled water? If you buy certain brands thinking the water is cleaner or safer, experts say you may as well be pouring money down the drain because some brands of bottled water are actually... continued