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How to REALLY Save on Gas
May 15, 2008Run your car on cooking oil, add a plug to your Prius - In the quest to be "green" and save money on gas, people are trying all sorts of desperate measures. One man drives a Prius, but that's not... continued
Melting Glaciers Release DDT
May 15, 2008?and pesticides may cause Parkinsons Disease - Our bodies are already filled with pesticides. We know that melting glaciers could release dangerous microbes, and now it's been discovered that they may also release pesticides! In New Scientist, Ewen Callaway writes,... continued
Vatican Says Aliens Could Exist
May 14, 2008Father Gabriel Funes, the Pope's chief astronomer, says that life on Mars could exist and that intelligent beings could exist in other solar systems and that the search for extraterrestrial life does not contradict belief in God. Funes directs the... continued
Anne’s Diary: At the Movies
May 14, 2008In her new diary, Anne Strieber explains why "when you are in the movie business?and have even acted in a movie, as Whitley and I have?it kind of spoils your movie going experience. You no longer enjoy films with the... continued
Computers Becoming Human
May 14, 2008Soon there will be no difference between man & machine - We're already merging man and machine in order to help people who are locked in by disease or injury. To abductees with implants, this sounds familiar! Computer designers predict... continued
China Quake Kills Thousands
May 13, 2008Update: Toll reaches 10,000 people - An earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter Scale struckcentral Sichuan Province in China today, causing thousandsof deaths and vast property damage. The conventional wisdom among experts is that earthquakesare not interconnected around the world,... continued
Danger in Paradise
May 13, 2008We're building a fence to keep illegal immigrants out of the United States, but thousands of US citizens cross the border into Tijuana every day. Thousands more vacation in Baja, California. So why isn't our government warning us that the... continued
‘Jaw Dropping’ Solar Eruption
May 13, 2008Astonished scientists have never seen anything like it. - A solar eruption has appeared that scientists are describingas "jaw dropping" and "amazing." The activity, on the sun'seastern limb, has the appearance of a gigantic volcano andmay be a precursor to... continued
Oil Prices Explode Upward
May 12, 2008Here's the REAL Reason - Oil prices are hitting new highs every day despite the fact that demand for gasoline is plummeting in Europe and North America. The reason for this is that Asian demand remains explosively high due to... continued
Severe Weather Death Toll Now 22 in 3 States
May 12, 2008Update: Deadly storms get worse. - More damage and deaths occurred last night assevereweather rolled eastward, spreading death anddestruction into the southeastern US. The central UScontinues to be the scene of unusuallyviolent weather, as waspredicted byUnknowncountry.com inJanuary stories about the... continued