Canada Bans Common Plastic

May 1, 2008
Will we do the same, or give in to Big Business? - We already know that plastic baby bottles are dangerous for boys. Now Canada says that the same kind of plastic (known as BPA) is poisonous for everyone! In... continued

Why Can’t We Just Remove Salt from the Ocean? (Cont.)

May 1, 2008
One of the biggest problems facing the world in the future will be getting enough water. If we could just think of a way to remove the salt from the ocean, we would be surrounded by drinking water. Lots of... continued

Exceptional UFO Video from the Netherlands

April 30, 2008
?and a UFO crash in Alabama? - Fake UFO video is so easy to create that there is a temptation to dismiss all of it, however this video from Holland has the appearance of authenticity. There is no indication of... continued

Million Dollar Prize for Fake Meat!

April 30, 2008
Three years ago, we reported that astronauts may eventually create fake meat in space. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) thinks this is a wonderful idea, and is even offering a million dollar prize to the person who... continued

How Life Came to Earth

April 29, 2008
Why we live in a left-handed world! - Flash back three or four billion years: the earth is a hot, dry and lifeless place. Without warning, a meteor slams into this endless desert at over ten thousand miles per hour.... continued

Traffic Jams…in Space

April 29, 2008
A lot of it will be tourist traffic - There will soon be so much traffic in space?much of from tourists?that traffic jams are expected. Some people want to set up some traffic laws NOW, before it's too late. Work... continued

What Linda Howe Will Talk About at Dreamland Conference

April 29, 2008
...Something that happened in her home town! - First we told you what Jim Marrs is going to talk about at our FIRST Dreamland conference in Nashville on June 27-29. Now Linda Howe has told us what SHE?S going to... continued

Anne’s Diary (What’s it Like?)

April 28, 2008 act in a movie - In her newest diary, Anne Strieber talks about her adventures as an actor in a major motion picture! She writes, "It was a classic movie set, with security guards stationed everywhere and people of... continued

Autism Breakthrough

April 28, 2008
The rise in autism levels may well be due to heavy metals from POWER PLANTS - How do mercury emissions affect pregnant mothers, the unborn and toddlers? Do the level of emissions impact autism rates? Does it matter whether a... continued

First One Has Arrived!

April 25, 2008
The first crop circle of 2008 is here! It was discovered on April 19 in a canola crop in Wilshire, close to the ancient stone circle in Avebury. To see the circle, click here. To see LOTS of extraordinary crop... continued