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Sky Lanterns, Helium Balloons, Swamp Gas Around the World
April 23, 2008Residents ofPhoenix,Florida and Germany all reported unusual lights in the skyon Monday night. The lights above Phoenix formed a U, then asquare, then other formations before disappearing. Both theAir Force and the FAA denied that they were aircraft. APhoenix resident,... continued
World’s Oldest Trees
April 22, 2008In celebration of Earth Day, we are wishing "happy birthday" to the world's oldest trees. There is a tree living in a secret location in California which is 5,000 years old. Now scientists have discovered a group of pine trees... continued
Sun Burps
April 22, 2008The sun is acting strangely lately, which may be endangering the earth we are celebrating today. Now the sun is throwing off huge "burps" of burning debris called Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), which NASA has observed ripping the tail off... continued
Incredible Sea Level Rise in our Future
April 22, 2008Ocean levels could rise by as much as 5 feet in the next 100 years, drowning major coastal cities all over the world. This is much more than the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) forecasted a year ago and... continued
Whitley in 2013 Film: Screening TONIGHT
April 22, 2008On Earth Day, April 22nd, there will be a screening of "Time Wave 2013: The Future is Now," starring Whitley Strieber, Jose Arguelles, Gregg Braden, Riane Eisler, William Henry, Terence McKenna, Daniel Pinchbeck, Geoff Stray, Dr. Alberto Villoldo and Jay... continued
Recent Photos of UFOs
April 21, 2008Now that the cellphones that people are carrying around have CAMERAS in them, a lot more people are snapping photos of UFOs! Recently, these have been taken in Michigan, Scotland and Argentina. We've included the links, so YOU can see... continued
Thirteen-Year-Old Student Corrects NASA?or Does He?
April 21, 2008Is NASA keeping the danger of a potential impact secret? - A 13-year-old German boy working on a science project recently corrected NASA's estimates on the chances of an asteroid hitting the earth. He figured out that there is a... continued
Knights Templar DNA
April 21, 2008Scientists have found DNA traces that link some people in Lebanon to the medieval crusaders from Europe who were known as theKnights Templar. The Genographic Project is trying to track human migrations through DNA. In BBC News, Paul Rincon writes... continued
Visit Mysterious Places in the UK with William Henry
April 18, 2008Tour almost sold out, only a few places left! - Join William Henry on the trail of the grail. On last week's Dreamland, you got to listen to Laurence Gardner describe some of the places where William will be taking... continued
Earthquake Swarm
April 18, 2008An unusual swarm of earthquakes has been going on off the coast of Oregon. The same thing happened 3 years ago. This is something that often occurs before a volcano erupts, except there are no volcanoes in the area. How... continued