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Biofuels Causing Bees to Disappear?
April 18, 2008Seven years ago, we warned that this was happening in France: a particular pesticide called "Gaucho" was causing bees to fly away from their hives to forage, only to disappear. The speculation was that they were becoming disoriented and were... continued
Whitley on ‘Coast’ TONIGHT!
April 17, 2008He will also be signing books in CA on May 3rd! - UPDATE: Keep reading to download first few pages of Whitley's new graphic novel! Starting at 11 pm Pacific, on Thursday April 17, Whitley Strieber will be on Coast... continued
Pollution? Recycle it!
April 17, 2008When it comes to global warming and pollution, coal is the biggest problem, and environmentalists know it. Every time a new coal-fired power plant is planned in the US, a lawyer from an environmental group is assigned to try to... continued
Your Immune System is Racial
April 17, 2008Differences in genes between people of European versus African ancestry can affect how each group responds to certain drugs or fights off specific infections. In other words, your race partly determines how effective your immune system is. We know that... continued
First Dreamland Festival June 27-29
April 17, 2008For the first time ever, Dreamland is holding a festival. All of our hosts will be there, and we hope to see you there too! We have posted a Dreamland Special conversation between Anne Strieber and William Henry, during which... continued
Anne’s Diary: God Laughs & Plays
April 16, 2008In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: "I was thinking the other day about what a really FUNNY book the Bible is. I've always thought that people take it MUCH too seriously! Because they stick to the flowery King James... continued
Butterfly Goodbye
April 16, 2008We've been saying goodbye to the monarch butterfly for a long time now, and due to the clearing of land in the small, 217 square-mile area in central Mexico where they migrate to every winter, we may see the demise... continued
Is This the Way the World Will End?
April 15, 2008And will it end this summer? - The $8 billion CERN particle accelerator which is being developed 300 feet underground in a 17-mile-long circular tunnel on the border between France and Switzerland. When it?s turned on this summer, it will... continued
Biofuels Not Needed?
April 14, 2008Maybe we don't need to import oil or create biofuels?maybe we just need to figure out how to use the oil we have. One researcher has figured out how to squeeze more petroleum out of abandoned or soon-to-be-abandoned oil fields.... continued
Whitley Talks About His New Graphic Novel!
April 14, 2008In his latest journal, Whitley writes: "I have collaborated on a graphic novel about human mutilations called the Nye Incidents that is going to be out shortly. Click here to see a preview of the Nye Incidents. This will spawn... continued