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Biofuels Not Needed?
April 14, 2008Maybe we don't need to import oil or create biofuels?maybe we just need to figure out how to use the oil we have. One researcher has figured out how to squeeze more petroleum out of abandoned or soon-to-be-abandoned oil fields.... continued
Whitley Talks About His New Graphic Novel!
April 14, 2008In his latest journal, Whitley writes: "I have collaborated on a graphic novel about human mutilations called the Nye Incidents that is going to be out shortly. Click here to see a preview of the Nye Incidents. This will spawn... continued
Hurricanes Coming Back, Big Time
April 11, 2008Hurricane season is returning soon, and researchers at the University of Colorado have predicted that there will be four major hurricanes this season. The predictions do not suggest where they might make landfall, but it is expected to be an... continued
Safe to Eat?
April 11, 2008Fish is an extraordinarily healthy food, but many of us are nervous about eating it, because of mercury?and other kinds?of contamination. Which fish?if any?are safe to eat? This may soon be a moot point, since recent fish shortages mean that... continued
Why Medicine Does?or DOES NOT?Work
April 11, 2008A surprising reason! - Most of us realize that a high-priced item creates the impression that it's better than the same thing bought at a lower price, despite the fact that advertising tries to create the opposite impression. It turns... continued
Bird Flu: Back in the News
April 10, 2008The great fear about bird flu is that the virus will mutate, so that it can pass between humans (the way regular flu does) and not just between poultry and people. A father in China has been diagnosed with bird... continued
Volcano Power
April 10, 2008Hear the earth humming - Solar power??That's nothing, compared to volcano power! Can we use them to fuel our homes? A volcano is erupting in Hawaii, attracting tourists and threatening over 8,000 people. Geothermal energy is clean, quiet and virtually... continued
Future ‘Brown Outs’ Caused by CARS
April 9, 2008When the weather gets hot in the summer?and with global warming, summers are going to be hotter than ever?we're all familiar with electrical "brown outs," where our air conditioners and appliances don't work as well as they used to?and sometimes... continued
Perfect Lie Detector: Water
April 9, 2008Even Better: Reading Your MIND - New kinds of lie detectors are being developed all the time?the latest one is your hair. And no, we don't mean whether or not you dye or perm, we mean your hair can tell... continued
PROOF Genes May Be Autism Trigger
April 8, 2008Autism is believed to be a disease that is triggered when genetically susceptible children are exposed to an unknown toxin. This was originally thought to be the mercury in thimerisol vaccine preservatives, but autism rates have continued to rise, even... continued