Prehistoric P**p

April 8, 2008
We routinely identify animals by the feces they leave behind, but now this is being done with prehistoric man. DNA is being recovered from dried human excrement in order to identify where these prehistoric people came from. The dried excrement... continued

PROOF Genes May Be Autism Trigger

April 8, 2008
Autism is believed to be a disease that is triggered when genetically susceptible children are exposed to an unknown toxin. This was originally thought to be the mercury in thimerisol vaccine preservatives, but autism rates have continued to rise, even... continued

Computer Predicts NCAA Winner

April 8, 2008
UPDATE: Its prediction was correct! - Engineers have created a computer software program that consistently predicts NCAA basketball rankings more accurately than the AP poll of sportswriters and the ESPN/USA Today poll of coaches. So which team did it predict... continued

Elephants: In the Desert & Making Art

April 7, 2008
The lives of elephants are still a mystery. Can they even communicate telepathically? Let's hope we can learn more about them before they become extinct. And not all of them live in the jungle. Some of them even create art!... continued

Are Cellphones Dangerous?

April 7, 2008
Yes! No! Yes! - Are cell phones dangerous?or not? One expert says they could kill far more people than either asbestos or smoking. There is evidence that using them for 10 years or more can double the risk of brain... continued

Dangerous Thaw Going on Now

April 4, 2008
Thawing ice sheets can release unexpected dangers and reveal hidden worlds, including human bodies. Due to global warming, the bodies of smallpox victims from centuries ago are becoming "unburied." Smallpox was finally eradicated in the 1970s?could this bring that dangerous... continued

Music in the Brain

April 4, 2008
Musicians have better brains, but what makes them that way?genes or practice and exposure to music? And researchers discovered that when jazz musicians improvise, their brains turn off areas linked to self-censoring and inhibition. Does music soothe the savage beast?... continued

How Do YOU Measure Up?

April 4, 2008
We know that tall people live longer than short people and this may be one reason why: short male babies run more than double the risk of a violent suicide attempt as an adult, showing that our genes count more... continued

CGI Artist Admits He DIDN’T Create Drones

April 3, 2008
For months, websites around the world have been speculating that video artist Kris Avery would admit to creating the drones, but now Avery has said that he didn't create them. He did create some drone videos, but they were done... continued

The Transformative Power of Meditation

April 3, 2008
Can we train ourselves to be compassionate? A new study suggests the answer is yes. We can meditate in order to cultivate compassion and kindness, because meditation affects brain regions that make a person more empathetic to other peoples' mental... continued