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What’s Behind the Current Economic Collapse?
April 2, 2008What's really behind the coming economic collapse? Some houses are now worth less than their copper pipes, which are being stolen from empty, foreclosed properties. But there are economists who think the REAL cause of the recession isn't sub-prime mortgages,... continued
More Mysteries Discovered at Stonehenge
April 2, 2008It was a place of healing! - A new archeological dig is beginning at Stonehenge in order to establish, once and for all, the date it was built. The researchers think that the gigantic structure was created as a place... continued
Pope Canonizes Cheese
April 1, 2008As part of the Catholic Church's new "fast track"canonization process, Pope Benedict has accidentallycanonized aSt.Andre cheese. The powdery, pale skin of the cheese wasmistaken for the mummified face of the saint, and, followingVatican tradition, it has now been placed in... continued
Strieber Implant Burns
April 1, 2008The implant in Whitley Strieber's left ear that uses mindcontrol to force him to continuously talk about it burstinto flames on Monday and burned to the ground. Now it'sgone and he has no further reason to mention it in any... continued
Tests Reveal McCain is Black and Barack Admits, ‘I’m White.’
April 1, 2008After famed race expert Dr.Max Mosley revealed that Republican presidential candidateJohn McCain is actually black, Democratic contender BarackObama said, "Dr. Mosley raided my hairpiece for DNA twoweeks ago, so I?mjust going to go ahead and admit that I?m white.? Mr.... continued
Hillary: ‘I’m an Octoroon’
April 1, 2008As the stunning news of the Obama/McCain race changes spedacross the wires, Hillary Clinton?s team carried out franticblood tests which have revealed that she?s one-eighth black,or, as used to be stated on public records in Louisiana, ?anOctoroon.? ?As an Octoroon,... continued
Noory Broadcasting from Mars
April 1, 2008Prominent radio talk show host George Noory has announcedthat he has actually been broadcasting from Mars ?formonths.? Noory is unsure about how he ended up on the redplanet. ?I may have interviewed one abductee too many,? isone theory he offered... continued
March 31, 2008Can't sleep? Lots of people have that problem. Doctors speculate that the accidental overdose death of actor Heath Ledger happened because he was taking medication for a bad case of insomnia. Live near an airport or highway? Traffic noise you're... continued
Food Shortages in the Future
March 31, 2008We're all used to seeing images of famine in Third World countries, but this is usually because of local farming conditions or because war has disrupted the distribution of food supplies. However, worldwide food shortages are predicted for the future,... continued
What is Beauty?
March 31, 2008When it comes to romance, are good looks more important to you than anything else??Only if you're good looking yourself! In LiveScience.com, Jeanna Bryner quotes behaviorist Dan Ariely as saying, "Beautiful people marry beautiful people and less beautiful people marry... continued