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Fuel: Worst Kind Used in Poorest Places
March 27, 2008Fuel that causes the most pollution is being used in the poorest parts of the world?leading to global warming, which affects these areas the MOST. The burning of "biomass" fuels for, which are defined as burning organic substances such as... continued
The Worst Killer
March 26, 2008The war on terror is bad for everyone's health. Stress is affecting our soldiers AND our citizens, who are developing heart problems related to constant terror alerts. Will this still be going on in 2008? Experts say that the chances... continued
Huge Antarctic Ice Shelf Collapses
March 26, 2008Recently pictures of "frozen waves" from the Antarctic have been floating around the internet, pretending to show that it's so cold down under that ocean waves are literally freezing as they break. The reality is that it's summer in the... continued
Artificial Intelligence HERE SOON
March 25, 2008Scientists say it's inevitable: artificial life is on the way. A leading US researcher says we'll be able to create human-level artificial intelligence by 2029. Does this mean that machines will take over? In BBC News, Helen Briggs quotes inventor... continued
An Easter Diary from Anne
March 25, 2008For the last two years, around Easter, Anne Strieber has written a diary and this year is no exception. She writes, "Every year I seem to write an Easter Diary, and I don't see why this year should be any... continued
Glacier Melt in Europe Too
March 24, 2008The rate at which glaciers are melting all over the world has more than doubled, and some of the biggest melts are occurring in mountain ranges in Europe, not in the Arctic or Antarctica, where you would expect most of... continued
Arctic Meltdown
March 24, 2008Satellite data reveal that the Arctic is losing its old, thick ice faster than ever before?in modern times, anyway. This has continued even though the summer is over. Older ice floes are thicker and contain less salt, so they usually... continued
What Birds Will We Hear This Spring?
March 23, 2008Researchers aren't sure how migrating birds choose where to go to lay eggs and raise their young. However, they think that the environmental conditions birds face in their first year may help determine where they breed for the rest of... continued
New Study to Examine Shroud Tests
March 23, 2008There have been numerous scientific attempts to date the Shroud of Turin, one of which in 1989 controversially used carbon dating techniques that may have been flawed to date it to the fourteenth century. The Catholic Church had the shroud... continued
Huge Oil Field, Right Here in US!
March 21, 2008When we think of fuel reserves in the US, we think about coal. But it turns out that America may be sitting on a huge, 200 billion barrel oil field that has gone unnoticed and could make us energy independent.... continued