Glacier Melt in Europe Too

March 24, 2008
The rate at which glaciers are melting all over the world has more than doubled, and some of the biggest melts are occurring in mountain ranges in Europe, not in the Arctic or Antarctica, where you would expect most of... continued

What Birds Will We Hear This Spring?

March 23, 2008
Researchers aren't sure how migrating birds choose where to go to lay eggs and raise their young. However, they think that the environmental conditions birds face in their first year may help determine where they breed for the rest of... continued

New Study to Examine Shroud Tests

March 23, 2008
There have been numerous scientific attempts to date the Shroud of Turin, one of which in 1989 controversially used carbon dating techniques that may have been flawed to date it to the fourteenth century. The Catholic Church had the shroud... continued

Possible Drones Explanation–Or Maybe Not

March 21, 2008
Learn the latest about the drones on this week's Dreamland! As the mystery of the drones reaches the0,3893957.story?page=1&track=ntothtml,frontpage of the Los Angeles Times, a reader has found a possible explanationfor the technology that keeps the craft aloft. This comesfrom... continued

Big Wave Wisdom

March 21, 2008
A tsunami like the one that struck the coasts of Thailand, India and Indonesia 4 years ago may strike again. "Azhii peralai" means "from the deep ? large waves" in Tamil, the oldest language in southern India. For an ancient... continued

Huge Oil Field, Right Here in US!

March 21, 2008
When we think of fuel reserves in the US, we think about coal. But it turns out that America may be sitting on a huge, 200 billion barrel oil field that has gone unnoticed and could make us energy independent.... continued

The Coal Conundrum

March 20, 2008
While some scientists search desperately for a new fuel to use in cars and power plants that will free us from dependence on Middle Eastern oil while producing fewer emissions, other researchers are trying to find ways to use a... continued

Extreme Weather Slams World

March 20, 2008
As a heatwave so extreme that it was being called a once in3,000 year event was ending Adelaide, Australia, a giganticand deadly winter storm slammed half the United States,causing historic flooding in Missouri and Arkansas andleaving at least 13 dead.... continued

Cancerous Chemical in So-Called Natural Products

March 19, 2008
In a study by the Organic Consumers Association, a cancer-causing compound called 1,4-dioxane has been found in some of the most commonly used petroleum-based cosmetics?including many "NATURAL" products. 1,4-Dioxane is a foaming agent that is used in the manufacture of... continued

Dolphin Rescue

March 18, 2008
Recently, a dolphin rescued 2 beached whales. But who will save dolphins from being caught in fishing nets? Ironically, the same sonar that probably beached those whales may help save the dolphins. Two beached whales?a mother and her calf?were recently... continued