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Life on Planets in OUR Milky Way?
February 21, 2008Rocky planets with conditions suitable for life may be more common than previously thought, and they may be right here, in our own galaxy. More than half the Sun-like stars in the Milky Way could have planetary systems like ours.... continued
New QuickWatch posting
February 21, 2008You can read the new QuickWatch posting by clicking here. It starts out by saying, "The winter of 2007-2008 proved to be exceptionally cold and stormy in the northern hemisphere, contrary to global warming models. By contrast, the summer of... continued
Car Emissions: Recycle Them
February 20, 2008While scientists are searching for an auto fuel that does not release dangerous greenhouse gases, other researchers are working on a strategy to capture, store and eventually recycle carbon dioxide from vehicles to prevent the pollutant from finding its way... continued
Bats Dying Just Like Bees
February 20, 2008First it was bees, now it's bats. We may not think we'll miss them, but without bats, there will be a much larger number of insects! It turns out that thousands of bats are dying from a mysterious disease inside... continued
Dreamland Hosts & Guests at UFO Congress
February 20, 2008From Feb. 22 through March 2, in Laughlin, Nevada, you can hear (and meet) many Dreamland guests and hosts, including Jim Marrs, Nick Pope, Paola Harris, Richard Dolan, Roger Leir, Jaime Maussan and crop circle expert Nancy Talbott. To learn... continued
Coral May be Saved by Ocean Itself
February 19, 2008We throw trash in it?no wonder it's not doing that well. Only about 4% of the world's oceans are not damaged by human activities such as fishing and pollution. Human-caused global warming has also taken a toll on coral reefs?but... continued
Where’s the Beef?
February 19, 2008The US Department of Agriculture told US farmers to keep their cloned animals off the market at the same time that the Food and Drug Administration officials announced that food from cloned livestock is safe to eat. And huge amounts... continued
Big Changes Coming to the Movies
February 18, 2008If you're planning on seeing a film today, you'll be glad to know that someday soon, we'll be able to watch 3D films WITHOUT those pesky cardboard glasses because they'll be holograms. BBC News reports that researchers have developed a... continued
What to Drink
February 18, 2008If you're going to the movies, you need to figure out what to drink with that popcorn. Regular soda may be the primary cause of obesity in the US, so shouldn't you switch to diet soda? The surprising answer is... continued
Saudi Woman to be Executed for Witchcraft
February 15, 2008An illiterate woman in Saudi Arabia who was arrested in 2005 and accused of being a witch is about to be executed, despite the protests of human rights groups. In BBC News, Heba Saleh reports that the Saudi religious police... continued