Strangeness on Mars

January 25, 2008
Listen to this week's Dreamland for new insights - An unusual image was taken by the Mars Rover Spirit last November. The fact that it appears to be a figure of some sort is being dismissed by planetologists as an... continued

When Campaigns Turn Negative

January 25, 2008
Does negative political advertising really work? Most of us hate those ads, but one political scientist calls them a "multi-vitamin for the democratic process." Political scientist Kenneth Goldstein says that attack ads spark voters' interest and participation. According to Goldstein,... continued

Too Much of the Wrong Kind

January 25, 2008
Too much salt isn't good for us, which is why researchers are working so hard to figure out how to remove it from water so we can drink the water from our oceans. Salt has gotten a bad reputation, since... continued

January, 2008: Month of the UFOs

January 25, 2008
UPDATE! - On January 8, over 200 people observed a huge, silent UFOover Stephenville and Dublin, Texas, including one witness, Ricky Sorrells, who saw it before sunset. Sorrells was interviewed by science reporter Linda Howe on Dreamland. UPDATE: KJCT TV... continued

A Computer That Can Read Your Mind

January 24, 2008
Exciting new developments will be coming to us in the computer world in the future and some of these were predicted by the Master of the Key! John Letzing reports in Market Watch that Microsoft has taken the first step... continued

Arctic Oil Secrets

January 23, 2008
Over 7 years ago, Dreamland host Jim Marrs said, "It's all about oil." Now a major UK newspaper reports that the US has blocked the release of a major assessment of oil and gas activity in the Arctic that may... continued

Are You Addicted?

January 23, 2008
If you're like many Americans, you made a New Year's resolution to increase efficiency in your life using some of the newest gadgets. But this can be dangerous?maybe not to your physical health, but to your personal relationships. Can we... continued

A Small Christmas Miracle

January 22, 2008
If any season is the time for miracles, it's Christmas, and they seem to happen every year to Anne Strieber, usually while eating Christmas dinner. Last year it was the loaves and fishes. This year she gave a special gift... continued

Recession Also Caused by Weather?

January 22, 2008
The upcoming recession is being talked about in the news right now, and it's mainly being blamed on oil prices and the sub-prime mortgage situation. But there's another area where our economy is leaking money: the insurance industry. They've taken... continued

Men: Body-Building Supplements Can Cause Cancer

January 22, 2008
Baseball players, and even rap singers, have been suspected of taking illegal drugs to strengthen their bodies. Now researchers have discovered that some perfectly legal and easily available over-the-counter body-building dietary supplements may lead to prostate cancer. Doctors discovered this... continued