Katrina Survivors in Toxic Trailers

February 11, 2008
First we use illegal immigrants to clean up the mess left by Hurricane Katrina. Then we house the survivors in trailers that have been called "toxic tin cans." Many Katrina survivors have lived in these trailers for close to one... continued

Incredible Ice Melt

February 8, 2008
Glaciers are melting in the Arctic and everywhere else, and now a huge ice sheet in Canada is melting as well. The level of the Mediterranean ocean is rising rapidly. Soon this will be common news, all over the world... continued

Rainy Weekends

February 8, 2008
We once reported that it rains MORE on weekends. Now scientists say it rains LESS on weekends. But they all agree on the reason: air pollution. A new NASA study has found that summer storms in the Southeaster US occur... continued

The Air is KILLING Us!

February 7, 2008
Particles in the air caused by pollution have been linked to heart attacks, and the SMALLEST particles do the most damage! A new study reveals that the smallest particles from vehicle emissions may be the most damaging, since they trigger... continued

Genes or Culture?

February 7, 2008
People from different cultures use their brains differently to solve the same tasks. This could explain things like why, in Western cultures anyway, blind tasting tests have shown that, to most people, more expensive wine actually TASTES better. In BBC... continued

Super Tornadoes Strike on Super Tuesday–Death Toll 52

February 6, 2008
Waves of hitherto rare midwinter tornadoes swept thesouthern part of America's heartland yesterday. So far 28people are known to have been killed in Tennessee, 13 inArkansas, 7 in Kentucky and 4 inAlabama. A family of 3 was killed in Arkansas.... continued

Spring Confusion

February 6, 2008
Believe it or not, spring is coming, but will global warming change things? A new study shows that the breeding ranges of North American birds have shifted northward coinciding with a period of increasing global temperatures. Eventually, some of our... continued

More Internet Cables Cut in Mideast

February 6, 2008
On January 23, two major undersea internet cables were cutoff the Egyptian port of Alexandria, and it was widelythought to be an accident involving a ship leaving the port.Then a cable was cut in the Persian Gulf. It was severed... continued

World’s Biggest Dump: The Ocean

February 6, 2008
We know about space trash, but we are turning something much closer to us into a gigantic rubbish dump as well: the ocean. Held in place by underwater currents, it stretches from the California coast, past Hawaii, almost to Japan.... continued

Fluoride May be Dangerous

February 5, 2008
Dentists love fluoride, and say it has vastly cut down the number of cavities they fill?although chocolate may work better. But does it have a negative side as well? Reporter Russ Hamerly quotes a January article in Scientific American as... continued