Our Amazing Future (Cont.)

January 18, 2008
There are even more amazing discoveries coming in the future, but whether they are good or bad remains to be seen. The US government is encouraging auto makers to develop driverless cars?and planes without pilots as well. Tom Krisher reports... continued

Go Green for 2008

January 18, 2008
On Dreamland, prophet John Hogue says the election motto for 2008 will be, "It's the ECOLOGY, stupid." Want to begin to be more environmentally friendly in 2008 but can't afford a hybrid car? There are plenty of other ways to... continued

UFOs Sighted Around the World

January 17, 2008
UPDATE ON TEXAS UFO! - UFO sighting reports are coming in at this time from aroundthe world in exceptional numbers and at a very high level ofstrangeness. Apparently similar "drifting light" UFOs havebeen observed in Finland and Iraq, and there... continued

Crop Circle Calendar Now on SALE

January 17, 2008
Our wonderful crop circle calendar is now $3 off! Those of you who listen to Dreamland know that it was an extraordinary crop circle season, and Lucy Pringle is now signing people up for her annual crop circle tours, which... continued

Mysterious Continent

January 17, 2008
Antarctica hasn't always been ice free in times of global warming but alas, it's certainly melting now. Parts of the ice sheets covering Antarctica are melting even faster than predicted. NASA scientist James Hansen says that we have to hold... continued

Strange but True (or Not)?

January 17, 2008
UPDATE - Now it's a hoax? Or is the claim that it's a hoaxthe real hoax? You'll need to decide for yourself! For helpdoing that, clickhere. Irish explorer Devin Dempsey went on an expedition tothe South Pole on January 6... continued

Wargame Ends Badly (for Us)

January 16, 2008
The recent standoff in the Strait of Hormuz between US ships and Iranian vessels wasn't the first naval confrontation between these two countries. In 2002, a $250 million war game was carried out by the US military, in which small,... continued

See the Light

January 15, 2008
We switched?and we hope you did too?but now we have to figure out how to dispose of these bulbs, since they do burn out eventually! As usual, Europe is ahead of the US, where we are still burying our heads... continued

New Hampshire to Recount Ballots

January 15, 2008
New Hampshire election officials announced today that theywill recount the ballots in both Republican and Democraticprimaries held there last Tuesday. The recount will begin onJanuary 16. It was requested by some candidates, but therehas also been concern expressed that the... continued

Good News for 2008!

January 14, 2008
One study showed that autism can be reversed. Now a researcher has found a way to reverse the devastating condition known as Alzheimer's. An extraordinary new scientific study, there was marked improvement in Alzheimer?s disease within minutes of administration of... continued