Fantastic Future

January 10, 2008
Big changes are coming in both movies and computers. Look for more 3D movies in 2008, as well computers that can take dictation (so you no longer need to type!) In the January 9th edition of the Independent, Rebecca Armstrong... continued

Autism: Big Breakthrough

January 9, 2008
The mercury-containing preservative thimerosal has been eliminated from most childhood vaccines, but autism cases have continued to increase, providing evidence that vaccines are not the cause. Fevers?especially high fevers?can damage the brain, but the behavior of children with autism may... continued

Does Movie Violence Lead to REAL Violence?

January 9, 2008
Does movie violence lead to real violence? This question continues to be debated. And Hollywood has rolled out its usual quota of violent films this season. In the January 7th edition of the New York Times, Peter S. Goodman writes... continued

Time to Leave

January 8, 2008
The Lakota Indian tribe, whose ancestors include Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from their treaties with the US, some of which are 150 years old, and declared themselves to be a separate country, with their own passports and... continued

Dinosaur Demise?Caused by Bugs?

January 8, 2008
An asteroid may have dealt the final blow to the dinosaurs, but that was because they were in a weakened state, since they were already being nibbled to death by insects! In the January 7th edition of the Independent, John... continued

One Family Brought It All

January 7, 2008
As many of you know, Anne and Whitley recently experienced the death of a friend from colon cancer. It turns out that a married couple who sailed from England to America around 1630 may be the ancestors of hundreds of... continued

UFO Flaps in CA & UK

January 7, 2008
UFOs have been spotted in two places in England. One of these areas has had regular UFO sightings in the last 8 years. Closer to home, a UFO has been seen in California. In the North State News, Kimberly Ross... continued

Meet Willliam at the Pyramid & Marla in CA!

January 4, 2008
Meet William Henry at the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and travel with him in England on the trail to the Grail! You can meet our newest Dreamland host, psychic Medium Marla Frees, a lot closer to home. Keep reading to... continued

Chat With Whitley & Anne on Saturday

January 4, 2008
On Saturday, Jan. 5, Whitley and Anne will be in the subscriber chat room on Saturday from 10 to 11 am Pacific time. Whitley will discuss the drone sighting he talked about with Art Bell on Coast Thursday night, as... continued

Evolution Faster Than Ever

January 4, 2008
Despite the comments of some of the political candidates now running for office, Evolution is real and it's still going on--in fact, we're evolving faster than ever. Scientists USED to think that human evolution was all over. What's causing this... continued