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Fuel from Garbage
December 28, 2007We soon may be able to run our cars ontrash. Willhydrogen fuelever become a reality? It will if you?re willing to run yourcar ongarbage. Andother researchers are developing a car that runs on solarpower! In the November 12 edition of... continued
How Kangaroos Can Help
December 27, 2007It may behard tobelieve but it's true: kangaroo--er, "emissions"--may save us from global warming. Fox News reports that flatulent kangaroos could save the planet: Australian scientists are trying to figure out how toisolate and transfer kangaroos' digestive bacteria to otherspecies,... continued
Green Tea Medicine (Cont.)
December 27, 2007Do ancientcures work? A team of scientists have discovered thatgreen tea hasan antitumor effect in breast cancer cells, so women:switch togreen tea! Cancer is a disease caused by the increased proliferation ofcells which group and form a lump called tumor.... continued
Hands-On Math
December 26, 2007We?ve written before about howusing yourhands can help your memory. Are your kids?or you?havingtrouble with math? Another reason to use your hands! Psychologists have discovered that kids who are told togesture while doing math are more likely to solve mathproblems.... continued
Why It’s Good (and Bad) to Start Early
December 26, 2007New data that shows that diets full of fruits and rawvegetables, especially broccoli sprouts and blackraspberries, could prevent or slow the growth of some commonforms of cancer. And there's a surprising new way to getyour baby to like vegetables (hint:... continued
What Was the Christmas Star?
December 24, 2007According to the Bible, when Jesus was born three Magi saw a star in the East that signaled the birth of a new king. But just what was it, from an astronomical point or view, that the Magi actually saw?... continued
Santa Chased Away by Global Warming
December 24, 2007Santa may have to retire from the North Pole soon, because arctic is becoming more and more like the weather in California. Climatologist Mark Serreze says, "The Arctic is screaming." What does he mean? It's MELTING. And it turns out... continued
Whitley Strieber’s Audio Christmas Card
December 23, 2007Whitley Strieber offers an audio Christmas card for ourlisteners, which includes a beautiful rendition of SilentNight by a little boy, and Whitley's reading of the story ofthe shepherds from the Gospel of Luke. A six minuteChristmas treat! To listen, click... continued
Japanese Official Admits UFOs Exist
December 21, 2007This week you get to learn about UFOs in Ireland and the rest of Europe. Not many people realize that a top government official in Japan says he "definitely" believes UFOs exist. MSNBC reports that Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura... continued
Something Fishy
December 21, 2007Most of us aren't planning to serve fish for Christmas dinner and that's a good thing, since fishermen are having trouble catching enough of it to put on our tables. That's not just because of overfishing, it has to do... continued