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Whitley Strieber’s Audio Christmas Card
December 23, 2007Whitley Strieber offers an audio Christmas card for ourlisteners, which includes a beautiful rendition of SilentNight by a little boy, and Whitley's reading of the story ofthe shepherds from the Gospel of Luke. A six minuteChristmas treat! To listen, click... continued
Japanese Official Admits UFOs Exist
December 21, 2007This week you get to learn about UFOs in Ireland and the rest of Europe. Not many people realize that a top government official in Japan says he "definitely" believes UFOs exist. MSNBC reports that Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura... continued
Something Fishy
December 21, 2007Most of us aren't planning to serve fish for Christmas dinner and that's a good thing, since fishermen are having trouble catching enough of it to put on our tables. That's not just because of overfishing, it has to do... continued
New Anne’s Diary: Spies
December 20, 2007Anne Strieber has written a new diary about?spies. She says, "Over the years, I've been amused by the fact that we are spied on from time to time. These spies seem to be from government agencies?either foreign or domestic?and they... continued
December 20, 2007The Master of the Key said that in order to fulfill our desire for cheap consumer goods, we in the West each have 5 slaves. Most Americans would be surprised to realize that in the UK, farm and fast food... continued
Is There Life on Mars? (Cont.)
December 20, 2007The controversy about life on Mars continues, but finding water would provide strong evidence that bacterial life exists there. Now a glacier that is thousands of years old has been spotted on the planet. Mars and Earth have a "close... continued
Artificial Life Will be Created Soon
December 19, 2007Genetically-modified foods and cloning started the ball rolling and there's no stopping it now: artificial life is on the way. In the December 17th edition of the Washington Post, Rick Weiss reports that "researchers are poised to cross a dramatic... continued
Fuel from Anything
December 19, 2007What if you could feed your discarded junk into one end of a machine and get oil and natural gas out of the other? This would solve two problems at once. One inventor claims he has created a machine that... continued
GM Foods Kill Rats
December 18, 2007We've reported before that animals can't survive on genetically-modified food. Now a new study from Australia shows that GM food KILLS rats. In the December 5th edition of the Herald Sun, Jeffrey Smith reports that almost 10 years ago, researcher... continued
What’s in a Name?
December 18, 2007We've talked about the power of words. Now we want to tell you about the power of names?why people with some names succeed, while people with other names fail. In LiveScience.com, Andrea Thompson quotes researcher Joseph Simmons as saying, "People... continued