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What’s in a Name?
December 18, 2007We've talked about the power of words. Now we want to tell you about the power of names?why people with some names succeed, while people with other names fail. In LiveScience.com, Andrea Thompson quotes researcher Joseph Simmons as saying, "People... continued
Out of the Past
December 17, 2007Global Warming isn't just happening now?it's happened in the past, as well. Is there anything we can learn from those times that will help us today? In New Scientist, Fred Pearce writes, "It was the biggest climate event of the... continued
Possible UFOs Sighted in Maine
December 17, 2007There were unusually intense UFO sightings in England in earlyDecember, and now orange fireballs with no clear explanationhave been observed by many witnesses in Bangor, Maine. Thefireballs were sighted on December 14 between 10 and 11 PM. A flaming object... continued
Politically Negative
December 17, 2007Once the presidential candidates are finally chosen, we're all bracing ourselves for the negative TV advertising that we hate so much. Why do political parties place these ads? The reason is simple: they work. With one study predicting an unprecedented... continued
Going…Going…Gone Soon
December 14, 2007Anne & Whitley will be there too! - Whitley will still be doing the majority of interviews on Dreamland, but we have a NEW guest host who starts this weekend, and you can meet her in person on January 18-20,... continued
Meet William at the Pyramid!
December 14, 2007Meet William Henry at the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and travel with him in England on the trail to the Grail! Keep reading for details. William says, "Meet me at the Great Pyramid on April 14-27, 2008, where 20 people... continued
Will Space Travel Destroy the Universe?
December 14, 2007Some scientists think that our ability to study the universe with space craft and telescopes might actually be destroying it. It's all part of quantum physics. It's also surfer wisdom. In the November 21st edition of the Telegraph, Roger Highfield... continued
Strange Clouds
December 14, 2007NASA satellites are capturing incredible images of some of our strangest clouds, which are increasing in frequency and extent. In BBC News, Jonathan Amos quotes NASA scientist James Russell as saying, "These clouds are getting brighter with time, they're seen... continued
Incredible UFO Sighting in UK
December 13, 2007A huge orange triangle with its three lights, nicknamed the "Dorito," was seen over England in early December. One person who saw it says, "It was weird because it wasn't making any noise?We all saw this big thing with lights... continued
Chemtrails Endangering the Earth
December 12, 2007A controversial website says that chemtrails are destroying the ozone layer, which is what protects the earth from dangerous cosmic radiation. William Thomas writes that Canadian atmospheric scientist Neil Finley says that "high-altitude jet traffic, space launches and chemtrails are... continued