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Violence (Cont.)
December 7, 2007What makes people violent?especially males? Scents that trigger aggression between have been identified in mice?does the same thing happen with humans? BBC News reports that researchers have found that mice excrete two chemicals in their urine which make them want... continued
Huge Houses are Moving in!
December 6, 2007About two-thirds of America's largest cities have reported the appearance of "McMansions," often with 2-story "lawyer lobbies," which are new, much larger houses built on lots that once contained more modest homes. Some of their neighbors are complaining! Who is... continued
Will the Sun Save Us?
December 6, 2007The "Earth moon machine" may be the reason there is life on this planet. Now astronomers have discovered that the sun may save us from extinction. Can all this be an accident? The moon came about after a gigantic collision... continued
The Gay Gene (More)
December 5, 2007A study of men in Ontario, Canada provides a new twist on the connection between sexual orientation and right or left-handedness. Earlier studies showed that gay men (and lesbians) were 39% more likely than heterosexuals to be left-handed. This new... continued
Whatever Happened to…
December 5, 2007...The electric car? As oil prices rise, along with troubles in the Middle East, engineers are searching frantically for another way to fuel automobiles. The government is pushing biofuels, there's hope for hydrogen, but whatever happened to the electric car?... continued
What Do Trees Have to Do With It?
December 4, 2007We know that global warming causes more hurricanes, but do trees have anything to do with global warming? Biologist Jeffrey Chambers discovered that the losses inflicted by Hurricane Katrina on Gulf Coast forest trees were enough to cancel out a... continued
Video Violence
December 4, 2007Watching media violence significantly increases the risk that a viewer or video game player will behave aggressively in both the short and long term. Researcher L. Rowell Huesmann looked at more than half a century of research on the impact... continued
Anne’s Diary: Stories of Good & Evil
December 3, 2007In Anne Strieber's new diary, she writes: "The more experiences I have in life, the more I realize that everything is made up of stories, from the tales of individual lives to the histories of places and civilizations. Every culture... continued
Stress Causes Asthma?in our Soldiers
December 3, 2007For the first time, a study has linked asthma in adults with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The study of male twins who were veterans of the Vietnam War suggests that the association between asthma and PTSD is not primarily explained... continued
Ozone is the Missing Link
December 3, 2007Ozone may prove the key to the link between high temperature (they kind caused by climate change) and the increased risk of death from heart disease or stroke. Rresearchers studied almost 100 million people in 95 different geographical areas across... continued