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Run Your Car on Egg Shells
November 23, 2007For those of us who have just finished off the turkey, it's god to know that environmentalists want to make sure we use EVERY PART of the poultry we eat. Clothes may eventually be made out of chicken feathers. Now... continued
Meat or Potatoes?
November 23, 2007Was early man a meat eater or a vegetarian? Is not eating meat a natural?or unnatural?thing for people to do? One way to decide is to study our closest relations, the chimpanzees. The debate centers on the diet followed by... continued
What Kind of Turkey are You Eating, Anyway?
November 22, 2007Is the turkey we put on the table today at Thanksgiving considerably different than the one the Pilgrims found out in the wild? Turkey expert Nickolas Zimmermann says, "Turkeys in the days of the Pilgrims were similar to the wild... continued
Turkey is NOT the culprit!
November 22, 2007Researchers say that we can blame turkey for many things, but one thing we CAN'T blame it for is that nap we always take after eating a big Thanksgiving dinner. Some researchers say that tryptophan, an amino acid found in... continued
Don’t Try to be Happy
November 21, 2007Are you happy? Well, don't try to be happier, or you might become less happy. Does that make sense? Psychologist Shigehiro Oishi discovered that, on average, European-Americans claim to be happy in general?more happy than Asian-Americans or Koreans or Japanese?but... continued
Yoga for the Heart
November 21, 2007We've written before about how yoga can help you lose weight, and there might be a lot more to it than most people think. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, remains the most common reason for office visits to physicians for... continued
Coverup Continues After Death
November 21, 2007On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was shotdead in Dallas, and now President Gerald Ford's posthumousautobiography contains a claim that the CIA documentsrelatiing to the assassination. Ford offers a strongsuggestion that Oswald acted alone, but it is also... continued
New Diet Pill in Our Future?
November 20, 2007Why do some people get fat, while others?who may eating the same diet and exercising just as much?don't? Researchers have found that a single gene might control whether or not individuals tend to pile on fat, a discovery that may... continued
Dinosaur Demise
November 20, 2007Although scientists were skeptical at first, in recent years it has become accepted that the demise of dinosaurs was caused by a meteor impact in the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years ago. Now new research shows that the dinosaurs... continued
Can We Eat Our Way to Health?
November 19, 2007Rosemary not only tastes good in food, but scientists have now found it is also good for your brain. The herb contains an active ingredient called carnosic acid (CA), which can protect the brain from strokes. CA becomes activated by... continued